Thursday, 17 June 2010

Free Life Commentary,
A Personal View from
The Director of the Libertarian Alliance
Issue Number 194
15th June 2010

Chamberlain, Churchill and World War II:
Reflections on Factual and Counterfactual History.
A Speech to the 2010 Conference of the
Property and Freedom Society
by Sean Gabb


This is not actually the speech that I gave in Bodrum. That was a shorter
affair and was given without this text in front of me. I am not very good
at reading from a text. It makes my voice even flatter and duller than it
naturally is. Even so, I do find it useful to have something written in
advance. This allows me to get straight in my head what I want to say, and
parts of the structure and wording stay in my head. It is also useful to
have as proof that what I am saying has not been made up on the spur of
the moment. Therefore, the video to which I link is somewhat different
from this slab of text, and may be worth watching in its own right.

I am, by the way, converting and uploading videos of all the speeches from
this most remarkable of conferences. These will be made available through
the Multimedia page on the Libertarian Alliance Website....[More]

Linking url:
Available for debate on LA Blog at

Sean Gabb
Director, The Libertarian Alliance (Carbon Positive since 1979)  Tel: 07956 472 199
Skype Username: seangabb

Wikipedia Entry:

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