Friday, June 04, 2010
On the Global Anti-Israel Lynch Mob
Must-View Video: We Con the World
Imagine Burma With N. Korean Nukes
The rogue regime in Burma is reportedly developing nuclear weapons with North Korean help--and Chinese complicity.
Google Burma news. Go here.
When the history of the Axis of Evil is written, it will show that North Korea and Iran drew inspiration from two of America's most notorious foes--Fidel Castro and (ironically, given the Iran-Iraq war) Saddam Hussein. Castro used Soviet-supplied nuclear missiles to put an end to U.S. attempts to overthrow him and his Communist Cuban regime. Saddam used missiles to terrorize Israel and blaze a path for Israel's enemies to be able to one day threaten its existence in spite of the comparative overwhelming superiority of the Israeli Air Force.
North Korea and Iran ... partners in nuclear and missile crime ... a marriage made in hell. Their advances make the whole notion of an international community practically meaningless.
Saturday, 5 June 2010
Caroline Glick nails it, as usual. Her analysis of the global campaign to demonize and destroy Israel--and the role that Obamappeasement plays in this evil effort--is must reading. Click here.
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Britannia Radio