Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Here is a Muslim from London who Walid has debated with when he was on Irish TV a few years ago, who says it exactly how it is with Islam and what Walid has been explaining for years.
Spread the News with all your friends who continue to delude themselves of the peaceful nature of Islam.
Even if most Muslims are peaceful but the theology is not and a 1% carry out violence that is about 15 million jihadists, about nine times greater than the United States armed forces.
If ten percent perform Jihad that is 150 million violent Muslims.
The mindset of this Muslim who praised the 911 hijackers as the "magnificent 19" is the problem we do not wish to accept as main stream thinking. Unless the main stream media and political leaders in the West awaken and speak the truth like Erick Stakelbeck, Walid Shoebat, Robert Spencer and a few others in the USA we will be like Europe in a few years and we will be intimidated by these thugs.
Keith Davies
Walid Shoebat Fdn
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Britannia Radio