Below find the details about our latest Women for Israel's Tomorrow
(Women in Green) exciting project of redeeming the land of Israel,
involving adults and youth alike.
We call upon each and one of you to be a partner in this endeavor.
Help us make this a success. Please forward this email to all your
friends and email lists.
Thank you.
With love for Israel,
Shabbat Shalom,
Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katsover
Operation "Establishing Facts on the Ground"
Planting Trees on the Hills and Planting Values in the heart
Today, the people of Israel understand the tremendous damage caused
by the anarchists who masquerade as peace-lovers, and the danger
inherent in their "humanitarian" activity, as they presumably are
concerned for the welfare of the "unfortunate" Arabs.
Actually, this is an anti-Semitic struggle backed by tremendous
budgets, the goal of which is to push the Jews into the sea - and
first, out of Judea and Samaria.
We, the activists in the field, have had to contend with them for some
time. At Shdema they used sophisticated, passive violence, but, thank
G-d, we succeeded in repelling them, and the IDF returned to the
place, and established an outpost there. They are agitating without
respite at Hazon David, next to Kiryat Arba-Hebron. Along Road 60 in
Judea and Samaria, signs have been erected by the Oxfam organization,
that, too, gives the Arabs millions of dollars to work the lands.
In Netzer, in Gush Etzion between Elazar and Alon Shvut, the
anarchists from the JAI (Joint Advocacy Initiative) agitate and aid
the Arabs to plant and seize lands. On every tree that they plant they
put a sticker with the name and symbol of their organization. The sign
by the Dutch government that stands at the entrance to Netzer attests,
more than a thousand words, to their intentions: "Monetary and
agricultural aid to Arabs in reclamation of lands - 123 dunams." The
sign lists four organizations and the Dutch government, all partners
in their sincere "concern" for the Arabs.
At present, a struggle for every dunam of soil is being waged at
Netzer, as at many additional locations in Judea and Samaria.
We can close our eyes, and lose the land reserves for the development
of our communities, until we will wake up one day and see that all the
lands are worked by Arabs, right up to our windowsills.
The Yibaneh Fund, founded by Women for Israel's Tomorrow (Women in
Green), and the Netzer Group have decided to take action and initiate
"Operation Establishing Facts on the Ground."
We have been active on the ground for a while and we planted several
dunams in Netzer. Now, the pace has to be accelerated.
If we don't hurry up, the Arabs and the anarchists will beat us to
it.Naturally, we call upon every community to act in the same manner.
Youth, too, will be enlisted in this operation for a work camp in July
with agricultural guides, to plant trees on the hill and plant values
in the heart. Details of the agricultural work camp are detailed in
the flyer that can be seen by clicking on the link below.
We expect all friends of Israel to mobilize. We are all partners! Not
everyone can go out in the field, but everyone can contribute and
thereby be a full participant in the redemption of the lands of Eretz
As we describe in the flyer that you can see on our site:
20 people each contributing NIS 500 ($150) will redeem one dunam, in
which 36 olive trees or 220 vines will be planted. The price includes:
work with a tractor, tools, water for a year, tubing, manpower,
seedlings, maintenance.
Our goal for this summer is to redeem 20 dunams of land in Netzer, and
hopefully an additional 40 dunams in Netzer by Hanukka.
Be partners! Each one donates as much as he can!
Donations can be made by sending a check to:
Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)-YIBANEH Fund
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
All details can be found by clicking on our website:
To read the Arutz 7 article in English please click on:
For pictures of our activities in Netzer and photos of the anarchists
please click on:
For details: Nadia Matar 050-5500834 Yehudit Katsover 050-7161818
Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
Friday, 11 June 2010
Dear Friends,
Posted by
Britannia Radio