Sunday, 27 June 2010


Thursday, 24th June 2010

In his widest-ranging interview since becoming UKIP leader in November last year, Lord Pearson addresses issues including the progress of militant Islam and the way the political class have betrayed the British people.

In a guest appearance on Premier Radio with Nick Battle and Graham Taylor, to be broadcast at 8pm on Saturday, Lord Pearson explains how the UKIP manifesto represents a return to the way Britain used to be. “We ran on our campaign slogan of talking because we have at least tried to tell the truth about a number of the huge problems we face today – among them our membership of the European Union,” he says.

“A broken society is not putting it too mildly I’m afraid. We have lost touch with a lot of our traditional values which we’ve held for hundreds of years and for which millions of people have died.”

Lord Pearson also examines the way Britain was duped into joining the European Union by politicians who said the nation state had to be emasculated and diluted into a form of supranational government run by technocrats. “It was an honourable idea at the time but it has gone horribly wrong.”

And the UKIP leader goes on to talk about his passion for funding the armed forces appropriately, his great friendship with the late Soviet dissident and intellectual Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and the worrying spread of militant Islam.

Talking about the religious experience he went through during a botched operation in 1977, when an anaesthetic failed, the former insurance broker says his transition to politics has been a disturbing learning curve.

“I don’t think our political class is motivated by the good of the country at all,” he says. “What decision have they got right over the last 20 years?”

Listen to Lord Pearson’s interview on Premier Radio on Saturday at 8pm on MW, on DAB digital radio or online here, where you can also listen again if you miss it on Saturday night here.

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