Beck has a great time exposing the stupidity of Rosie’s comments that Israel is still occupying Palestine. Enjoy! First some background: race politics were a hot topic on last night’s O’Reilly Factor, pegged to NBC’s Norah O’Donnell calling out Newt Gingrich for what she perceived to be racially insensitive comments. Early in the program, host Bill O’Reilly had on guests Juan Williams and Mary Katherine Ham to deconstruct the comments of both O’Donnell and Gingrich (who had labeledPresident Obama an athlete). (For a complete rundown of that segment click here.) But Goldberg dug deep into his explanation of raced based group-think in the mainstream media, claiming that “this is how they all think” and later “they see racism everywhere.” Of course this sort of oversimplification of a complex idea is over reliant on stereotypes and over-generalizations – the very stereotypes and generalization that comprise the very racist stereotypes that, in Goldberg’s esteem, the “liberal media” uses on a regular basis. Nothing like overstating and simplifying an issue to illustrate how overstated and simplified it is. Though, one does think that this was the exact intention of Goldberg. It was effective? Goldberg’s specific comment: The country is in trouble. Because this is – this is standard thinking inside the comfy, liberal elite media bubble. This is how, you know, if I say this is how they all think, somebody is going to come out of the woodwork and say well, not everybody thinks that. This is how almost all of them think. They see, they see racism everywhere. They see everything as, I said through this prism of race. So Jonathan Capehart sees it at the Washington Post. Frank Rich sees it at the New York Times. Eugene Robinson sees it at the Washington Post. Leonard Pitts sees it at the Miami Heraldand it becomes the acceptable narrative. Here comes Norah O’Donnell, who I’m sure is a lovely person. And she just picks up on this. She is just part of it. And that’s why your idea, you really have to do this. It needs to be some blow back on this. After reading Thomas’ full quote, a guest on O’Donnell’s show asked “how can that be construed as hate speech?” to which O’Donnell replied “I don’t know.” Well to begin, no reputable media outlet, nor pundit of which I am aware, has actually called Ms Thomas’ comments “hate speech.” Its been more accurately described it as “grossly insensitive.” So O’Donnell’s premise that this is unfairly being called “hate speech,” is, in of itself, pretty unfair. O’Donnell then proceeds to differentiate Thomas’ comments from the theoretical statement of telling “Black people to go back to Africa” because “Black people are not occupying a country, right?” Clearly O’Donnell is not familiar with the concept of diaspora as it applies to many people of the world. Full audio of her comments below (h/t Radio Equalizer):
Bernie Goldberg: Those In The “Elite Media Bubble…See Racism Everywhere”
» 115 commentsThe limitations of punditry are a lot like blogging – one has very little time (or viewer attention) to get rather complex ideas across, and the resulting economy of words can often result in oversimplification. But Fox News analyst Bernie Goldberg recently came up with a brilliant solution: discuss the perils of stereotypes and overgeneralizations by stereotyping and overgeneralizing. Its like the onomatopoeia of television punditry…brillz content indeed!
Rosie O’Donnell Defends Helen Thomas: “She Wasn’t Saying Go Back To The Ovens”
» 34 commentsRosie O’Donnell spent part of her radio broadcast yesterday defending the recent controversialcomments made by Helen Thomas (which lead to her retirement.) The former talk show host (who has been called by some as “the next Oprah“) wondered how Thomas comments could be viewed as “hate speech,” then proceeded to interpret what Thomas really meant when she said that “Jews should go back to Germany.”
Thursday, 10 June 2010
on Jun 10th, 2010 |
by Colby Hall | 5:02 pm, April 13th, 2010
by Colby Hall | 9:47 am, June 10th, 2010
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Britannia Radio