Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Here is your Crux AM update:

Get $150 just for opening a new bank account
A list of the best banking promotions for the month of June...

This key "economic barometer" is plummeting
Vital index has fallen 38% in just 17 days...

A BP bankruptcy could be more devastating than Lehman Brothers
"The system will have to print even more unimaginable amounts of money..."

Richard Russell: This is one of the biggest tops in stock market history
"Will be the most disastrous bear market since the ‘30s, and maybe worse..."

Apple's huge rally could be trouble for new investors
The company may now be "too big to succeed."

Gov't horror: Congress will not pass a budget this year for the first time in history
"The real reason of course is that the budget would indicate new and unprecedented trillions in deficits..."


Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux