Friday, 25 June 2010
The history of unions in America
Glenn Beck Show Discussion – June 24, 2010
- The real meaning behind "Look for the union label"
- Unions and communism
The history of communism in America
Glenn Beck Show Discussion – June 23, 2010
(The first 4 minutes cover various topics, then Glenn gets into it)
- Among other things, this will give you a whole new view of Joe McCarthy. The government / state department was actually flooded with communists. The FBI released the 50 year old documents supporting McCarthy
- At the end of the 3rd clip, this will horrify you: Yalta Conference (1945): Roosevelt said to Stalin and Churrchill that he was going to meet with the king of Saudi Arabia after the conference. Stalin asked him if he planned to make any concessions to the king. The president replied that there was only one concession that he thought he might offer, and that was to give him the 6 million Jews in the United States. (From the papers of Sec of State at the time) (Roosevelt died 2 months after Yalta)
- Parallels between Obama and FDR administration
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Britannia Radio