Sunday, 20 June 2010 09:32
'This is a shocking account of how the ignorance of the catholic church created the conditions that lead up to the black death, one of the deadliest pandemics in human history, by simply associating the common house cat with satan. The black death is estimated to have killed 30% to 60% of Europe's population, reducing the world's population from about 450 million to between 350 and 375 million around 1400. The question have to be asked: Was this intentional? We know that "witches" were persecuted by various religious groups, and "witches" have strong association with cats.
So was this a conspiracy by the catholic church to kill about 100 million people or was it simply because of ignorance, idiotic superstition and a screwed up theology? Whatever the case might be, the fruits of this backward organization is rotten to the core.'
Read more: How the Catholic Church Created the Black Death by Eradicating the 'Satanic' House Cat
Sunday, 20 June 2010 07:39
'In a nutshell, in this era of corporate anarchy, corporations do not have to abide by any rules—none at all. Legal, moral, ethical, even financial rules are irrelevant. They have all been rescinded in the pursuit of profit—literally nothing else matters.
As a result, corporations currently exist in a state of almost pure anarchy—but an anarchy directly related to their size: The larger the corporation, the greater its absolute freedom to do and act as it pleases. That’s why so many medium-sized corporations are hell-bent on growth over profits: The biggest of them all, like BP and Goldman Sachs, live in a positively Hobbesian State of Nature, free to do as they please, with nary a consequence.
The added bonus to this, though, is that the largest corporations have convinced the governments and the people of the “Too Big To Fail” fallacy—they have convinced the world that if they cease to exist, the sky will fall atop our collective heads. So if they fail, they must be saved—without argument, without penalty, and without reform.'
Read more: What do BP and the Banks Have In Common? The Era of Corporate Anarchy
Sunday, 20 June 2010 07:29
'With 12 Democrats joining a unanimous Republican bloc, the US Senate voted Wednesday to defeat a proposed extension of unemployment benefits for workers who have been jobless for nearly two years. The bill would have extended unemployment benefits for those out of work more than six months, until November 30.
In the two and a half weeks since June 1, when the last extension expired, some 903,000 workers have seen their benefits cut off. By June 26, that number will top 1.2 million. Meanwhile, the Labor Department reported that the number of new claims for unemployment compensation jumped to 472,000 last week, the highest figure in several months.
The result is that a Congress that rushed through a $700 billion bailout of Wall Street in October 2008 in a matter of days, and authorized a further financial windfall to the banks and speculators five months later, cannot bring itself to support even the most meager subsistence for the unemployed workers who are the victims, not the perpetrators, of the economic crisis.'
Read more: Nearly One Million US Workers Cut Off Unemployment Benefits
Sunday, 20 June 2010 07:27
Sunday, 20 June 2010 07:18
'Since taking office, Obama proved himself a machine politician, not a man of the people, an earlier article explaining it this way:
He promised peace and delivered war; real health and financial reform, not same old, same old; help for millions losing jobs, homes, hope and futures, not handouts to Wall Street and other industry favorites; regulatory oversight, not the usual incestuous government-industry ties, making disasters like in the Gulf possible, and when they happen conspiring with offenders in coverup, distortion, lies, and a total disregard for the environment, wildlife, and way of life for thousands - let alone permanent damage to a vital ecosystem.
At the same time, Big Oil gets billions in subsidies, special tax breaks and other financial benefits, besides being free to operate recklessly in a regulatory-free environment. Little wonder that a disaster now threatens to become the greatest ecological one ever, gushing oil that's potentially unstoppably from multiple sea floor ruptures, worsened apparently by BP fix attempts done as PR stunts, the company and administration knowing they wouldn't work but used them anyway as a charade to fool the public.'
Read more: Oval Office Duplicity: Cover for Corporate Criminality
Sunday, 20 June 2010 06:54
'An armada of more than twelve US and Israeli warships has passed through the Suez Canal toward the Red Sea and is reportedly heading to the Persian Gulf.
Egypt allowed the vessels to pass through the Suez Canal to the Red Sea Friday, UPI reported on Saturday. Special security measures were implemented by the Egyptian authorities for the safe passage of what is believed to be the largest US armada to pass through the canal in years.'