Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Hypocrisy of Diane Abbott Rolls On

Diane Abbott’s campaign has had a horrific week. She isn’t picking up much support and frankly every time she opens her mouth she shoots herself in the foot. It’s going to take her TV career, let alone backbench reputation a very long time to recover from her pasting by Andrew Neil on This Week last Thursday. Another week of the campaign begins with her saying something stupid…

She was straight out of the blocks today attacking IDS for his plans to allow people to move to areas where there are jobs available. Her criticism of the policy would be more credible if her parents hadn’t emigrated to the UK in the 1950s as part of a wave of economic migrants looking for work. Where would Diane Abbott be now if she her steel welder father hadn’t sought better career prospects somewhere new? Certainly not a contender for Leader of Her Majesty’s Most Loyal Opposition.

UPDATE : Punters give her and Andy Burnham each an outside 3% chance of becoming Labour leader.

Asked to praise Gordon Brown’s work David Cameron said

“I’d be delighted to, if he could be bothered to turn up to this House.”