Wage Web Warfare Against The Liberal Establishment: Sign Up For The GrassTopsUSA Action Alert And Get The Latest News And Hard-Hitting Commentaries Delivered Straight To Your Inbox. "Most of our faults are more pardonable than the means we use to conceal them." Obamacare Blueprint Urged 'Creation' of Crisis to Push Radical Plan Congressman Bob Etheridge Assaults a Peaceful Student Shocking video of Democrat aggressively on the defensive. Obama Shows Allegiance to His True Faith "I am a Muslim," Obama Tells Egyptian Foreign Minister Gheit Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit said he had a one-on-one meeting with Obama, in which President Obama told him that he was still a Muslim, the son of a Muslim father, the stepson of Muslim stepfather, that his half brothers in Kenya are Muslims, and that he was sympathetic towards the Muslim agenda. Can We Get a Post-Hiring Background Check on This President? GrasstopsUSA respects the privacy of our members. We will refuse to sell or rent your name to third parties.GrassTopsUSA is a 501c4 not-for-profit organization. Contributions are not tax deductible. "I am a Muslim," Obama Tells Egyptian Foreign Minister
~ François de la RochefoucauldWas ObamaCare Designed for 'Distribution of Wealth'?
The book reveals Robert Creamer, husband of Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., who was one of Capitol Hill's most visible cheerleaders for Obama's health-care bill, later wrote his health-care platform and declared strategies are not about "policies" -- "they are about the distribution of wealth and power."
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By Pamela Geller
Finally, during the week of 14-18th of January 2010, just on the eve of my winter tour to the US, Rachel picked up a Nile TV broadcast in which Egyptian Foreign Minister Abul Gheit said on the "Round Table Show" that he had had a one on one meeting with Obama who swore to him that he was a Moslem, the son of a Moslem father and step-son of Moslem step-father, that his half-brothers in Kenya were Moslems, and that he was loyal to the Moslem agenda. He asked that the Moslem world show patience. Obama promised that once he overcame some domestic American problems (Healthcare), that he would show the Moslem world what he would do with Israel.
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We believe that a real grassroots organization should be accountable to the people, not large dollar donors and special interests that already wield too much power. Our mission is to empower Americans like you who have been shut out of the political process for far too long. That's why we will not in any way accept funding from large dollar donors or special interests, nor will we extend to you Blast Faxes that are already bought and paid for by a special interest in order to enlist you to push someone else's agenda. That's our pledge and our promise to you. If this e-mail was forwarded to you and you would like to be part of a real grassroots revolution, we invite you to start receiving this GrassTopsUSA Action Alert by using this link.Resolving the Obama Eligibility Question
By Paul R. Hollrah
First, we have the absolute and unequivocal requirements of Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution, which states, "No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States."
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Sunday, 20 June 2010
Click to read the full story 3rd item 'Obama shows his true allegiance', then scroll down and watch the two 'Mahomet tube' videos, they are absolutely sickening.
The plans to admit Turkey to the EU, with the attendant free movement of EU citizens, need to be opposed, because although parts of Turkey are quite socially advanced, the major part is mostly backward and undeveloped, and atrocities are committed in the name of Allah and Islam under Sharia Law in many Islamic states.
We cannot afford to allow Islamic followers to take over our parliament, because eventually radicals take charge, and then Taliban-like tendencies surface, and everyone is in danger.
A convicted felon and political consultant with close ties to the Obama administration helped provide a blueprint for the president's health-care legislation, a recently released book exposes.
Never in American history has a national leader served under a darker cloud of suspicion than Barack Hussein Obama. Was he born in Hawaii or in Kenya? Did he become an Indonesian citizen in 1967? Where did he spend the summer of 1981? Did he actually attend classes at Columbia? Did he write "Dreams From My Father"? These are all interesting questions, but not the most critical ones. By far the most critical question relates to his eligibility. Is he eligible to serve as president, or is he a usurper? Let's analyze what we actually know to be true.
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Posted by Britannia Radio at 06:46