Industry slams U.S. drilling ban: Oil executives sent a strong challenge to Barack Obama on Tuesday, warning at a major oil conference that the U.S. President’s ban on risky deepwater drilling would cripple world energy supplies. US judge rules against White House on drilling ban: A U.S. judge ruled on Tuesday against the six-month moratorium that the Obama administration imposed on deepwater drilling over the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Belarus cuts off Russian gas to Europe: President Lukashenko said on Tuesday that the flow of Russian gas to Europe via Belarus will be stopped as Gazprom owed transit fees of USD 260 million to Minsk. Why China’s Currency Announcement is Hokum: The stock market is euphoric over China’s apparent decision to allow its currency to rise against the dollar. Watch your wallets. Osborne Increases U.K. Value-Added Tax Rate to 20%:: British Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne increased the value-added tax rate to 20 percent from 17.5 percent in the first permanent change to the levy on sales of goods and services in almost two decades. New Jersey battles over tax on millionaires: New Jersey politicians are due to battle on Monday over whether to slap a tax on millionaires or cut services for low-income senior citizens and the disabled. Thousands of New York City workers demonstrate against threatened layoffs: Mayor Michael Bloomberg has proposed more than a billion dollars in cuts that would close a number of firehouses, libraries, senior centers, child care centers, swimming pools and after-school programs, and reduce the number of school nurses.
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Posted by Britannia Radio at 07:39