Communist Chinese Government Opposes Secession Too
Communist Chinese government opposes the concept and of course the right of secession, just as the federal government does in the United States today, just as Great Britain did in 1776. In a recently released government report, known as, White Paper, the Chinese government expressed its policy on censuring internet use against those Chinese citizens who spread “contents subverting state power, undermining........
by Attorney Timothy Baldwin
We are not going to War over a Bunch of Dead Sailors
By 1948, under David Ben Gurion’s direction, the Israeli government developed the Israeli Terrorist Cell, Unit 131. In the mid 1950s, the U.S. was friends with Gamal Abdel Nasser and Egypt. Ben Gurion, an avid Zionist and the Israel’s first Prime Minister, envisioned an Egyptian terrorist attack against the U.S. in order to destroy that alliance. However.......
by Deanna Spingola
BP Global: Marriage Counselor
People tend to be tactical, not strategic, animals: they’d rather fight fires than prevent them. Procrastination and denial are their extinguishers of choice, at home and the workplace. BP’s foreseen disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, ruining lives like a predictable divorce, is but the latest example. People delay divorce for years, loathing the embarrassment of confronting family and friends, fearing custody fights and........
by Marc Rudov
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Tea Are The World: A Historic Event
It was an incredible day! Singers/musicians from across America gathered together at Deltona Records in Florida to record my original song, "Taking Back America." which assists families of U.S. fallen soldiers is beneficiary of the proceeds from the sale of the song and compilation CD. Gold Star Mom Debbie Lee who is the president and founder of.....
by Lloyd Marcus
Bad People are Good - Good People are Bad
Obama has betrayed our allies and violated our national security throughout his first two years. Firstly, he built the perfect environment for international mocking and challenge against America by continuing to apologize for us and our decisions overseas and at home. His pathetic misrepresentations, all but spoon fed the enemies of America with power and hope. Islamic radicals must adore him. He plays right into their hands. Gee, it makes you wonder if he is reading the Koran instead of the Holy Bible.........
by Laurie Roth