Wednesday, 16 June 2010

June 16, 2010

Globalism versus Unalienable Rights
Have we abandoned the uniquely American concept of the political, legal and educational recognition of unalienable rights? If so, is there a political movement to restore the core purpose and principle of the American Declaration of Independence? As documented in Understanding Unalienable Rights, the dictionary meaning of unalienable rights has been corrupted. School children are no longer........
by Michael Shaw

MSNBC Works with Alex Jones to Discredit Tea Party Movement
Radio host Alex Jones, who believes that 9/11 was a U.S. government plot and “inside job” conspiracy, is featured in Chris Matthews’ Wednesday documentary on MSNBC as a leader of the “New Right” and the Tea Party movement. But Jones has absolutely nothing to do with the conservative or Tea Party movements. In the advance promotional advertisements for the program, Jones is shown saying that the U.S. has entered the......
by Cliff Kincaid

Disaster In The Gulf
My wife and I took a rare trip to the coast last weekend hoping to enjoy a salty breeze, a sunny beach and some fresh seafood while it’s still available, affordable and edible. There are of course many conflicting news reports and photos of tarred beaches, toxic fumes and dead or dying sea life in and around the Gulf of Mexico; so, just to play it safe, we chose to visit the South Carolina coast instead and stay ahead of the spreading calamity, thereby insuring our day-long drive would not be an exercise in futility.........
by Paul Proctor

Maryland Endorses Immigration Fraud
By signing HB65 — International Marriage Brokers Regulation (IMBR) — Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley, on May 20, 2010, willfully condoned pernicious gender profiling. The framers of this unconstitutional law, which becomes effective in October, blithely labeled all of Maryland’s male citizens and legal residents as potential......
by Marc Rudov

Sharron Angle Victory for Tea Party/ We The People
I am Lloyd Marcus, Tea Party Express tour performer and spokesperson. I met Sharron Angle on the campaign trail while on TPX II tour. You know what it is like to be around a proud parent who loves their child? I was impressed that Sharron Angle displayed that same kind of enthusiasm whenever she spoke about Nevada. Like a proud parent, Sharron seemed to know every interesting and not so interesting fact, past and.........
by Lloyd Marcus