Arrogance and the National Security Strategy
It seems I have been writing a lot about the internationalists and the New World Order since our new administration has taken office. Now with the release of the May, 2010 National Security Strategy I find I am going to be doing it again. The one thing we can say about our current administration – they sure provide us with a lot to write about. I’ll start by addressing a few of Mr. Obama’s comments in the opening statement that bears his signature. He begins by........
by Michael LeMieux
Universal Religion Discards Fathers
Everywhere the relative definitively takes the place of the absolute, and altruism tends to bear down egoism, whilst a systematic method takes the place of a spontaneous evolution. In a word, Humanity definitively substitutes herself for God, without ever forgetting his provisional services. -Comte, Auguste, The Catechism of Positive Religion, 1852, P. 294........
by Erica Carle
Sierra Club endorses liberal Democrat
But there's something more disturbing than just liberalism at play here. There is anarchy. Candidate Jones boasts of endorsements from Jesse Jackson and Maxine Waters! Is this something you boast about? Or is this something best kept a closely guarded secret? Why is this endorsement telling? Because for most Americans, Jackson is synonymous with the most banal type of race-baiting and mudslinging. Extortion of Toyota and Coca Cola are notches in his belt for previous race trafficking, coercing companies to payola, lest they prefer to deal with accusations of "racial issues.".....
by Rabbi Nachum Shifren