Saturday, 19 June 2010

June 19, 2010

Obama's Oil Spill?
Most Americans don't know that three days after the Deepwater Horizon platform sank to the floor of the Gulf of Mexico, along with any evidence of what caused the underwater pipeline explosion below the safety cutoff valves, the Dutch government called Obama and offered to loan BP ships outfitted with oil-skimming booms, and a plan to quickly build sand barriers to protect the marshlands that everyone knew would be affected worst if the seepage was left uncontained and the oil reached the Louisiana coastline.........
by Jon Christian Ryter

A Grand Design Made to Order, Part 2
Professor of Intercultural Studies at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, Dr. J. Ray Tallman, contends rightly that “the obvious can be ignored no longer: Islam is in search of world dominance.”[1] Consistent with their theology and worldview, Islamists purpose to impose a code of laws and rules to govern all citizens of their world community whether forged by consent or conquest........
by Debra Rae

Ten "Marriage Values" Policies to Rebuild America
Marriage-absence is the greatest domestic problem America faces. Our most daunting social, economic, budgetary, criminal, and constitutional dilemmas are driven by marriage-absence and will not abate unless traditional marriage is protected and encouraged. Establishing sensible policies to return America to a marriage-based society will prove rewarding, productive, and seminal. The major problems of most unmarried mothers and their children will be naturally resolved. A woman’s right to be.....
by David R. Usher and Michael J. McManus