Friday, 25 June 2010

June 25, 2010

Dangerous Prayers
I recently came across a video clip that was taken from a popular television talk show called The View, where liberal co-host, Joy Behar and conservative co-host, Elizabeth Hasselbeck got into a heated on-air argument about prayer that is sure to evoke a rousing response from pulpits and pundits across America while creating........
by Paul Proctor

The Korean War: The Forgotten War

This coming Thursday, June 24, or Friday, June 25, depending upon which side of the International 

Date Line you happen to be located, will be the 60th anniversary of the beginning of the Korean 

War in June 1950 when the North Korean army crossed the 38th Parallel and invaded deep into the 

heart of South Korea. This war began after a statement was made earlier by Dean Rusk, then 

Under Secretary f.......

by John Spring

Confidence in Obama is Tanking
According to the Wall Street Journal, the President’s level of support is at new lows. 62% of Americans believe the country is going in the wrong direction. Since there are so many destructive and un-American policies and orders flying around by the Obama regime, let’s just focus on one nightmare, the BP oil spill. How has Obama’s leadership gone so far with the Gulf oil spill disaster?.....
by Laurie Roth