Centralizing Power: The Tyrants’ Agenda, Part 4 A Culture in Crisis Be Careful What You Eat Ingredients for Chicago Style Politics Dung by any other name
The colonies were feeling the burning sensation of oppression in their hearts and were sending correspondence to the king’s governors in the colonies and to the king himself, hoping for constitutional relief. Courts were no help. The means of redress was set forth by their constitution and they were following it. They were making lawful appeals. No relief came, however.........
by Attorney Timothy Baldwin
Over the past few years, we’ve seen an attempt to restore civility to our nation since all the civil unrest of the sixties but it’s really run amok. Besides the latest never-ending stories about the Gulf oil catastrophe, which some quietly wonder if terrorism wasn’t involved, it seems every day on the news some event hits the headlines or is on YouTube. One of latest was.......
by Betty Freauf
Times have changed – and today practically anything goes. The big drug companies have placed their own people in high positions within the USDA and the FDA. Our present Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack, has done endless work that favored Monsanto while he was Governor of Iowa. Being deep into Monsanto’s pockets he passed agri-business bills that made it difficult for small family farmers to do business, and was a huge supporter of genetically modified corn and soybeans......
by Derry Brownfield
We all are aware that in a moment of weakness or anger, Congressman Sestak who ended Specter’s 30 year run, admitted being offered a job by the Obama administration if he wouldn’t run for office. Apparently the Obama administration didn’t want Senator Arlen Specter to go away. The response to the media is classic and a bit magical from Obama
by Laurie Roth
Smart people are supposed to know this, but in a speech to Republicans and Tea Party supporters in New Orleans, April 10, Ron Paul defended Obama on a legal technicality, saying he wasn’t a socialist. Technically, he said, That One is a “corporatist.” Ron, you should know better than that. Yeah, I understand the analogy that politicians – both Democrats and Republicans – support and defend corporations.....
by Randy Murray
Saturday, 5 June 2010
June 5, 2010
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Britannia Radio