Liam Halligan
Prime property most at risk of slump,
says Savills
London warned that its upmarket stock faces slower
growth after 'the feel bad factor' hits homes.
Bernanke needs monetary blitz as US recovery falters
Fed chairman wages an epochal behind-the-scenes battle
with regional hawks for control of US monetary policy.
Bravo Osborne: you have saved Britain in the nick of time
Roger Bootle
Roger Bootle is one of the City's leading economists. In his column he
sheds light on how the UK and world economies are performing and the
challenges facing the world's policymakers.
Budget 2010: Tough and tame at the same time
By comparison with what we had grown used to, this Budget was a breath of fresh air,
says Roger Bootle.
23 Jun 2010
Budget 2010: This Budget will be one we'll want to forget, but we'll be unable to do so
Tuesday's budget falls on an inauspicious date. It was on June 22, 1940, that France surrendered to Nazi Germany, and on the same date a year later that Germany invaded the Soviet Union. It is also the date of Napoleon's second abdication in 1815, after the battle of Waterloo. More importantly, though, it is also my birthday.
20 Jun 2010