Massive Nationwide Sting Nets 74 Tons of Illicit Drugs
If reading this makes it difficult for you to sleep now- perhaps you could do something worthwhile- perhaps you might spend a couple of your sleepless hours writing letters to your elected representatives this evening and remind them that Election Day is just months away!........
by Former INS Agent Michael Cutler, Ret.
APES: Active-Passive Energy Syndrome
While a banker and later a bank consultant, I for 20-years researched what was supposed to be a banking topic (and it was) and found answers to many of life’s questions that don’t involve business and finance. APES is both complex and difficult. Its greatest danger lies in what appears to be its common sense simplicity. Because of its subtle complexity, people think they “get” it far sooner than is possible. At various stages along the research path, I thought I got it, too – only to find the path led much further than I realized........
by Marilyn Barnewall
Bring America Back To Her Religious Roots, Part 18
Ronald Reagan warned us “If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.” Will we stand up for what our Founding Fathers fought and died for or will we let it slip through our hands? John Quincy Adams declared “Posterity: you will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it.” It is now in our hands. What will you do?.....
by Pastor Roger Anghis
A subtle and dangerous shift in Christianity
It seems everyone’s practicing yoga meditation these days. Physicians recommend it to their patients which means it’s beneficial…right? Meditation is said to relieve stress, anxiety, hypertension, acne and post-nasal drip, so go for it! Just tighten those abdominal muscles, inhale deeply and chant Maaaaaaaaa all in one breath and your concerns will drift away like a feather floating on the win........
by Marsha West