Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Mexicans Take Over Parts Of Arizona

Fox News
June 16, 2010

A massive stretch of Arizona now off limits – to Americans – critics say in effect the administration is giving a major strip of the south-west back to Mexico.

  • I am really sick of this whole mess.We need to vote all of these cretins out of of office who support Obama's agenda! Support those who actually represent 'We The People'!'
  • They need to declare OPEN SEASON on illegals and let the American citizens use their guns since the shill in shit stained Whitehouse won't do a damn thing.
see all

All Comments (30)

  • Call up the local Militia.

  • @LiberaLib You'll be waiting a long time if you consider CNN, MSNBC, or any of the other sh*t you call "legitimate news sources".
    You will NEVER see this on those stations because they won't report ANYTHING that makes that monkey in the white house look bad!!!
  • Comment removed
  • well this is why we are also supposed to have a "well regulated militia being nessesary to the security of a free state". yes i said it, i went there, the people of arizona should under the command of the local and state command, patrol that area with more force than what the smugglers are using.
    "Let us therefore animate and encourage each other, and show the world that a free man, contending for his liberty on his own ground, is superior to any slavish mercenary on earth." George Washington
  • I am fuming right now. Mexian illegals have access to our land and we as American citizens do not. President Obama, all of our senators and representatives are no

    doing their job and I for one am sick of it...Vote all of the apathetic government officials out in November. We couldn't do any worse with the ones we vote in.
  • Obama suspends the building of the border fence and now this -- he's a traitor to the constitution.
  • The power of the federal government at work!
  • @truthislibertyus They are racist towards us also. I had some kid threatening me saying he was airborne and that these para military groups are former military. He said they should take out minutemen. I'm not in MM but I stand against illegal immigration and for respect of the law.
  • The MUDDS are dirtying up the nation. Time for concentration camps and mass deportation. I am becoming increasingly racist towards this spics! Disgusting!!