Monday, 7 June 2010

Monday, June 07, 2010

Islamic 'Scholars' Defend Child Rape

Read all about it here and here.

Where's the outrage?


The first Muslim-born (according to Islamic law) President of the United States has yet to condemn such atrocities. Instead, Barack Hussein Obama, who studied and practiced Islam as a child in Indonesia--where his Muslim stepfather registered him for school as a Muslim Indonesian citizen--has made appeasement of fascistic, fundamentalist Islam a cornerstone of his failed foreign policy.

North Korea's Kim Promotes Brother-in-Law

North Korean leader Kim Jong Il attended a special--and rare--session of the country's parliament on Monday during which his brother-in-law was promoted in a shakeup of top government positions on Monday.

Pyongyang's government-run Korean Central News Agency announced that Jang Son Taek, Kim's brother-in-law, has been named vice chairman of the North Korea's powerful National Defense Commission during a rare second session of parliament.

Kim is the chairman of that commission, giving him control of the country's armed forces and cementing his status as North Korea's absolute ruler.

Jang is widely seen as a trusted custodian and tutor of the North Korean leader's youngest son, Kim Jong Un. Many analysts believe it is likely the younger Kim will take over the North Korean leadership from his father, as early as 2012.

Senior researcher Cheong Seong-Jang with the Sejong Institute in Seoul said the promotion of Jang could reflect new emerging political strategy in the wake of new tensions with South Korea over the sinking of the South Korean warship, the Cheonan. As the South threatens to resume psychological warfare against the North, Cheong said North Korean intellectuals may now be estranged from the government. As a leading figure among that group, Cheong said Jang Song Taek can do much to prevent intellectuals from distancing themselves from the government or even defecting from the North.

South Korea referred the Cheonan sinking to the United Nations Security Council Friday, after a multinational investigation team concluded a North Korean torpedo attack was the cause. Forty six South Korean sailors were killed in the March incident, which took place near a maritime border long disputed by the North.

Also at Monday's session, the North's premier, Kim Yong Il, was dismissed and replaced by Choe Yong Rim, a senior party official.

Kim Young-soo, a North Korean studies professor at Sogang University in Seoul, believes that move was driven by economic concerns. He said outgoing Premier Kim is being blamed for disastrous currency reforms announced last year. Mr. Choe, his replacement, is being set up to introduce new policies in industry and agriculture.

The North Korean Supreme People's Assembly is very different from other parliaments around the world. It has no mandate to debate and discuss policy. Instead, it ceremonially approves directives issued by government branches under Kim Jong Il's direct control. The assembly has not convened twice in the same year since 2003.


Jew-Hating Hag Helen Thomas Resigns

Good news.

Helen Thomas, an ugly anti-Semite, has resigned.
Click here for the story.

Thomas' hatred of Israel--and Jews--is actually an old story. For decades, she has been known as a rabid anti-Semite and vicious opponent of Israel's right to exist. That the Washington press corps tolerated her for so long is an absolute disgrace.

That she was not fired is also disgraceful, as Caroline Glick observes,
over here.

Iran Sees Gaza as Way to Sink Sanctions

Islamist Iran sees the Gaza blockade issue as a way to divert attention from Iran's nuclear program and derail--or sink--the international drive for new sanctions on Iran.

Thus, Iran's threat of military intervention on the side of Hamas should be taken seriously. The monstrous mullahocracy may well decide to provide blockade-breaking ships with an IRGC naval escort at the risk of triggering a confrontation with Israel.

Turkey could join Iran in the intervention. It has already threatened to escort so-called aid ships in the wake of the bloody flotilla incident.

And Iran could order its Lebanese Islamist proxy, Hezbollah, to threaten Israel with retaliatory missile attacks.

An Israeli warning to Hezbollah could prompt Syria, Iran's secular but steadily Islamizing ally, to come to the defense of Hezbollah. Syria has huge stockpiles of missiles and chemical warheads.

Could the dynamic, once set in motion by Iran, lead to war? Yes. And it would not be the first time in the long history of Israel's struggle for survival against overwhelming odds. Something similar happened in 1967--read the history of the Six-Day War--and it can happen again.

Quite easily, in fact.

Appeasement fans the flames of aggression. Obamappeasement is making war with Iran inevitable--on Iran's terms.