Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Monthly reports on finance, business, trade,
economics, & political analysis
The Captains and the Kings
The captains and the kings departed from the G20 conference in Canada, reminding us that sometimes the human race acts quite sensibly in the general interest. We want to see that go further and replace the otiose UN Security Council with this apparently fine body of men and women, far more representative of the 21st century than the victors of a long-ago war, which few people alive can still remember.
Cromwell would have roundly told them to be gone - and to pack up their vetoes with them.
The ‘Repo 105’ boys
The chewing of the financial cud continues on the 2008/9 financial crisis with many questions unresolved about the behaviour of banks, financial manipulators and regulators. We also are not alone in including auditors, the guardians of shareholder interests and key players in the behaviour of the financial institutions.
The Agony that is Afghanistan
It doesn’t get any better. Our monthly report gives a very full reading of the situation, with our Overview seeking the right perspective on both the country and in context, the future of terrorism.
Turkey is not amused
Somehow, Turkey a long time ally and a force for good in the middle east, is being cast as a bad guy. The spat is not really with Washington but with Jerusalem. It is quite complex and we seek to clarify but it would be monstrous if cack-handed diplomacy should drive out this worthy nation, which almost miraculously has established a viable democracy in an Islamic nation of the middle-east. It was not imposed from outside like IRAQ, but was the nations own choice nearly ninety years ago, under the leadership of an outstanding man, Kemal Ataturk.
Our reports on TURKEY, SYRIA and SAUDI ARABIA are all relevant from different perspectives.
Iraq: the shambles continues
The post-election struggle for government continues and we observe that if this is what it is like to form an Iraqi government, even with significant US diplomatic mentoring, and a substantial US military presence, what will it be like when the troops finally go home?
We also try to answer that question.
News from the Balkans – and not all bad!
Slovenian and Croatian negotiations clear another obstacle to Croatian entry to the EU. We review the state of play with all the other Balkan candidates.
Nagorno Karabakh
One of the older geopolitical impasses may be capable of mediation now Russia seems prepared to lend a hand. Our Update on Armenia explains.
The horrors of Kyrgyzstan
Our Updates on Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan report.
Is Russia’s role in the world unfolding?
Our update on Russia considers this important question.
Pakistan: The Siege (of the presidency) goes on
The latest moves of the beleaguered President Zardari who manages to cling on. Update on relations with Washington and the latest review of the economy.
India perseveres with reconciliation
Proving to be extremely statesmanlike and mature, the government of India is still looking for closure with its neighbour to the north after the horrendous Mumbai massacre, but is demanding Justice.
Another day, another dawn
Once again we have high hopes for the Philippines, justified we believe by the character of the new President Aquino – but he has a lot to do!
All Country Updated reports
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Britannia Radio