Tuesday, 15 June 2010 10:11 'In a newly optimistic tone, President Barack Obama promised Monday that "things are going to return to normal" along the stricken Gulf Coast and the region's fouled waters will be in even better shape than before the catastrophic BP oil spill. Tuesday, 15 June 2010 10:07 'In our previous story we discussed the Shropshire Police raid on Hollies house whilst she was away on holiday. However there now appears to be something more sinister going on here that obviously connects with the Paedolphilia ring in Aberdeen. Why would police spend so much time in the house and then remove her computer and who would have sparked this activity. Have the Grampian Police and Shrophire Police gone beyond their jurisdiction and is this a massive cover-up for the many people there were accused of Paedophilia in Scotland. Are they so worried now that they will try any tactic to get this story out of the limelight……on the contrary….doing what they are doing draws more attention to the case and clearly show that the police are in gross neglect of their duties in investigating a major Paedophile ring in Aberdeen involving the Sheriff of Aberdeen, Police, Headmaster, Social Services/Welfare (including Hollies carers and many more.' Read more: Hollie Greig Plot Thickens as Police Raid Her House! Tuesday, 15 June 2010 09:50 'Democracy could ‘collapse’ in Greece, Spain and Portugal unless urgent action is taken to tackle the debt crisis, the head of the European Commission has warned. In an extraordinary briefing to trade union chiefs last week, Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso set out an ‘apocalyptic’ vision in which crisis-hit countries in southern Europe could fall victim to military coups or popular uprisings as interest rates soar and public services collapse because their governments run out of money. The stark warning came as it emerged that EU chiefs have begun work on an emergency bailout package for Spain which is likely to run into hundreds of billions of pounds. Read more: EU Chief Barroso Tries to Scare Europe Into Accepting Bailouts Citing 'End of Democracy' One of the comments to the Daily Mail article: 'Absolutely right, AJ has been warning for years about this and so has David Icke but rather than people take heed of the warnings they just mocked him as if he were a freak who had escaped from a loony bin.' Tuesday, 15 June 2010 09:34 'Riot police fired tear gas and rubber bullets to break up the World Cup’s first episode of crowd unrest – by stadium staff. Officers wearing helmets charged at least 400 stewards protesting about low wages. The clashes came after workers refused to leave the ground at the seaside resort of Durban last night, following Germany’s 4-0 win over Australia, claiming they had been underpaid.' Read more: Riot Cops Fire Stun Grenades, Rubber Bullets at World Cup Workers Tuesday, 15 June 2010 09:27 'The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change misled the press and public into believing that thousands of scientists backed its claims on manmade global warming, according to Mike Hulme, a prominent climate scientist and IPCC insider. The actual number of scientists who backed that claim was “only a few dozen experts,” he states in a paper for Progress in Physical Geography, co-authored with student Martin Mahony. “Claims such as ‘2,500 of the world’s leading scientists have reached a consensus that human activities are having a significant influence on the climate’ are disingenuous,” the paper states unambiguously, adding that they rendered “the IPCC vulnerable to outside criticism".' Read more: The IPCC Consensus on Climate Change was Phoney, Says IPCC Insider Tuesday, 15 June 2010 09:22 'New revelations concerning how the Irish Central Bank hid data in a 2006 report indicating that a housing market crash was imminent underscores once again how financial elites covered-up signs of the coming economic turmoil in order to exploit the crisis at the expense of the people. Months before the Irish housing market started to crumble in early 2007, which was followed by a wider collapse in the UK property market, the Irish Central Bank buried data from a crucial report which suggested that a 15 per cent fall in house prices was around the corner.' Read more: Irish Central Bank Hid Housing Market Crash Forecast Tuesday, 15 June 2010 09:02 'Kyrgyzstan was tonight in the grip of a bloody ethnic war after rioting that erupted four days ago in the southern city of Osh spread rapidly to other areas, with gun battles raging between Kyrgyz and Uzbek youths. The country's interim government granted its security forces shoot-to-kill powers and promised to send a volunteer force to the region. But the violence continued, taking the death toll since Thursday night to more than 100. At least 1,100 have been wounded in what are the country's worst ethnic clashes for 20 years. Mobs of Kyrgyz men were yesterday burning Uzbek villages slaughtering residents and storming police stations, witnesses said.' Read more: Kyrgyzstan Erupts Into Ethnic War Tuesday, 15 June 2010 07:14 Tuesday, 15 June 2010 06:50 'A potential cancer drug developed from an Australian rainforest plant is set to progress to human trials after fighting off inoperable tumours in pets, the company behind it said Monday. Queensland firm QBiotics Ltd said its drug EBC-46, derived from the seeds of a tropical rainforest shrub, was ready to be tested on humans after successfully treating solid tumours in more than 100 dogs, cats and horses. "We've treated over 150 animals ... with a variety of tumours and we're prepared to move into human studies," chief executive Victoria Gordon told AFP.' Read more: Rainforest Cancer Drug Discovered, But They Want to Sell You the DRUG, Not the HERB
He declared Gulf seafood safe to eat and said his administration is redoubling inspections and monitoring to make sure it stays that way.'
Who's laughing now uh???
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
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Britannia Radio