The board of Free Press has included a slew of radicals, such as Obama's former "green jobs" czar Van Jones, who resigned after it was exposed he founded a communist organization.
"To be honest with you, America is facing a lengthy and difficult fight for survival. We must prepare now for an extended campaign led by men and women with intestinal fortitude, all others will fade."
"Frankly, The Tea Party must have a core backbone of stalwart and vigilant Guardians, insuring the existence of the greatest movement since 1773." Dale Robertson - President of Tea Party/
As you probably know, all too often the surge of protests subsides, the steam dissipates and the movement fizzles, the result is, the liberal socialists win, this will happen unless PATRIOTS draw the line and make an all out effort to guard our values which keep us great!
You can now send all 100 Senators, 435 Members of the House AND all 50 Governors your RED HOT fax blast, a total of 585 faxes for only the same $ 57.76 help America and the Tea Party in doing so.
Option 1 - I will send my "PINK SLIP" fax to ALL 100 Senators, ALL 435 Members Of The House and All 50 Governors 1 Time, A Total of 585 Faxes - $ 57.76
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Obama Stacks Government Positions With Marxists! Head of Marxist-led institute joins Obama team. Soros-funded group urges more government control of media
NEW YORK - The policy director at a George Soros-funded, Marxist-founded organization calling itself Free Press has just taken a key State Department position, WND has learned.
Free Press Policy Director Ben Scott has been named a policy adviser for innovation at the State Department.
"We will miss Ben's leadership, wise counsel, and strategic brilliance - for Free Press and the overall movement for media and technology policy in the public interest," said Free Press President Josh Silver.
Free Press is a well-known advocate of government intervention in the Internet. Scott authored a book, "The Future of Media," which was edited by the founder of Free Press, Robert W. McChesney. McChesney is an avowed Marxist who has recommended capitalism be dismantled.
Minuteman Steve
He is a professor at the University of Illinois and former editor of the Marxist journal Monthly Review. In February 2009, McChesney wrote in a column, "In the end, there is no real answer but to remove brick-by-brick the capitalist system itself, rebuilding the entire society on socialist principles."
Last week, WND reported Free Press published a study advocating the development of a "world class" government-run media system in the U.S.
Now the group is pushing a new organization,, that advocates the downfall of "big media" and the creation of new media to "promote local ownership, amplify minority voices, support quality journalism, and bring local artists, voices and viewpoints to the airwaves."
Free Press has ties to other members of the Obama administration. Obama's "Internet czar," Susan P. Crawford, spoke at a Free Press's May 14, 2009, "Changing Media" summit in Washington, D.C.
Crawford's pet project, OneWebNow, lists as "participating organizations" Free Press and the controversial Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN. Crawford and Kevin Werbach, who co-directed the Obama transition team's Federal Communications Commission Review team, are advisory board members at Public Knowledge, a George Soros-funded public interest group.
A Public Knowledge advisory board member is Timothy Wu, who is also chairman of the board for Free Press. Like Public Knowledge, Free Press also has received funds from Soros' Open Society Institute.
Source: Posted: May 28, 2010 12:45 am Eastern With research by Brenda J. Elliott By Aaron Klein - WorldNetDaily
911 awaken America to the fact that many are planning the demise of our beloved NATION by any means. The tragedy is some of those 911 forces are domestic, functioning within our borders and even filling our elected offices.
How does the 'Obama Administration' explain the increased crimes brought to Arizona and other Border States by illegal aliens, and yet rebuff the notion of "Citizens having the right to protect themselves"?
Some may call this 'far-fetched thinking'; however, the FBI Statistics on Crimes Committed by Illegal Aliens was published November 12, 2006, it seems to be one of those articles the Fed refuses to read, however the Tea Party does not fear too much information.
* 83% of warrants for murder in Phoenix are for illegal aliens.
* 75% of those on the most wanted list in Los Angeles, Phoenix and Albuquerque are for illegal aliens.
* 40.1% of all inmates in Arizona detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.
* 53% plus of all investigated burglaries reported in California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens.
* 71% plus of all apprehended cars stolen in 2005 in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California were stolen by Illegal aliens or "transport coyotes."
* 63% of cited/stopped drivers in Arizona have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. 97% of that 63% are illegal aliens. Source:
One Of Millions Of Leaders!
The Tea Party Fax Project has just added all the State Governors to the political potentates we are fax blasting!
Your Fax Blast Will Go To All 100 Senators, All 435 Members Of The House AND All 50 Governors!
WE ARE NOT GOING TO STOP THERE! Now, you can do all of the above, plus we will triple your order for a total of $ 93.76 and you will still be able to help America and the Tea Party! Kool! Here is how it works, Keep Reading.
Yes, I'll Stand Up For America!
Option 2 - Yes, Count Me In! I will send my "PINK SLIP" fax to ALL 100 Senators, ALL 435 Members Of The House and All 50 Governors 3 Times, A Total of 1,755 Faxes - $ 93.76
I will send this powerful Fax Blast which will help America and the Tea Party as well! You are as mad as hell?
Attention - All Senators, Members of the House And Governors!
STOP THE INVASION - NO AMNESTY! We The People are calling on you to STOP THE INVASION! The TEA PARTY is growing in leaps and bounds, PATRIOTS are joining every minute, with the EXPRESS purpose to fire Socialists in November, demand enforcement of our immigration laws and restore America.
We are pressuring States to pass new state immigration laws like the one just passed in Arizona! Our State Chapters are busy at work lobbying our State Representatives, convincing them to do everything within their power to stop the illegal alien invasion at the State level.
No doubt this will anger the Washington Socialists, but it will save America!
We are asking you be a hero, not a zero and join the fast growing ranks of the Tea Party movement. If you are sick of dirty and corrupt politics, then we are imploring you to work to stop Amnesty and demand enforcement of our immigration laws!
You must answer to the people. You will answer in November and probably be unelected. Stand with the millions of us and STOP THE INVASION - NO AMNESTY! There is still time.
Be a hero not a zero!
If you received this fax and voted against Amnesty, then let this be an encouragement. We will stand with you!
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Britannia Radio