Monday, 07 June 2010 09:16 Monday, 07 June 2010 08:49 'Paul McCartney. He wasn’t the cerebral Beatle. John was. Maybe that’s why John was shot down and Paul wasn’t. He’s “Sir” Paul now. He sucked up to the Queen and was knighted a Member of the Order of the British Empire. McCartney apparently thinks this honorific title gives him the right to come over here and criticize those of us who see Obama for what he is. “I’m a big fan, he’s a great guy,” said McCartney last week. “So lay off him, he’s doing great.” Paul also made fun of George W. Bush, thus revealing his preference for Democrat political parasites. Republicans were miffed about this. House Minority Leader John Boehner said Sir Paul should apologize. It’s downright disgraceful to speak about the former neocon and warmonger-in-chief like that. I guess we’re all expected sit down and shut up. Sort of like the feudal peasants who eked out a dismal existence in mud huts below royal castles in medieval England. Peasants were only required when it came to paying taxes and fighting wars between inbred royals. Obama needs all the help he can get, even if it comes from a British snob knighted by one of the world’s most notorious criminals.' Read more: Sir Paul and Sir Barry Only a Totalitarian State Disarms Law-Abiding Citizens: We Want No More Oppressive Gun Laws Monday, 07 June 2010 08:20 'You could not look for a better encapsulation of the mentality of the state-worshipping ruling elite than the claim by Sir Ian Blair, former disastrous Metropolitan Police Commissioner and newly-appointed peer (nothing succeeds like failure), writing in The Guardian on the topic of gun control: “The possession of a firearm is a privilege, not, except in a few cases, a necessity.” Have you got that? The possession of a firearm is a “privilege”. In fact it is nothing of the sort: it is a right, guaranteed to all British subjects by the Bill of Rights of 1689. This assertion by Blair, whose police officers notoriously abused their firearms privileges by shooting dead Jean-Charles de Menezes, affords an instructive insight into the leftist/liberal belief that the state is the all-powerful authority controlling human existence. It may deign to extend privileges, such as firearm ownership, to a minority of its helots, but it does so as an act of grace, not in deference to any rights they might claim.'The African National Congress, led by the monumental idiot, Jacob Zuma, is a tyrannical one-party state and what is the point of replacing a white tyranny with a black tyranny for the population of South Africa, both black and white?
'[People should] ... not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character' - Martin Luther King
Wow, Mr Zuma and your fat cat cabal ... that leaves you in real trouble, then.
Better round up the street kids and hide them during the World Cup, eh? Better that than feed them and give them a home you pathetic excuse for a human being.
Monday, 7 June 2010
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Britannia Radio