Joe Henderson - Once I loved ........... Take the night off, grab a couple of chilled glasses and whatever your poison and head down to the water. Disappear for awhile and remember all that was good and wild and free and sexy and all that. Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, June 25, 2010 at 07:41 PM | Permalink | Comments (8) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! When one observes the nightmare of the desperate efforts made by hundreds of thousands of people struggling to escape from the socialized countries of Europe, to escape over barbed-wire fences, under machine-gun fire—one can no longer believe that socialism, in any of its forms, is motivated by benevolence and by the desire to achieve men’s welfare. No man of authentic benevolence could evade or ignore so great a horror on so vast a scale. Socialism is not a movement of the people. It is a movement of the intellectuals, originated, led and controlled by the intellectuals, carried by them out of their stuffy ivory towers into those bloody fields of practice where they unite with their allies and executors: the thugs. Monument Builders,” The Virtue of Selfishness, 87. The catastrophe that is Greece is nothing more than the failed policies of the left that eventually lead to chaos, bloodshed, death and slavery, It never fails. Point to one successful Communist/socialist country in the world. You can't. Reuters) - A booby-trapped package exploded next to the office of the Greek minister in charge of the police force Thursday, killing one of his aides, officials said. No one immediately claimed responsibility for the blast, which occurred on the seventh floor of the ministry and caused serious damage to the office of Civil Protection Minister Mihalis Chrysohoidis. "It was a wrapped package that exploded in the aide's hands after he apparently picked it up and tried to open it," police spokesman Thanassis Kokkalakis told Reuters. "We heard a big bang, there was a lot of smoke and damage." There was no warning and no reports of other injuries. Since suffering its worst riots in decades in 2008, Greece has been rocked by a series of bomb attacks for which leftist militants have claimed responsibility. Earlier this year, police arrested six suspected members of the country's most violent militant group, Revolutionary Struggle. When he took office in 2009, Chrysohoidis promised to crack down on militants. In a previous spell in the job in 2002, he dismantled November 17, Greece's most lethal guerrilla group. The victim of Thursday's blast, George Vassilakis, was adjutant to the minister and the father to two children. "I lost a valuable and dear colleague," an emotional Chrysohoidis told reporters outside the ministry. He was in the building at the time of the explosion at 8.15 p.m. (1715 GMT), but escaped injury. In early May, three people including a pregnant woman were killed when people marching in an anti-austerity protest fire-bombed an Athens bank. In March, a 15-year old boy was killed and his mother and sister injured after a bomb exploded outside a building in the capital. Read the rest, though the putcome is obvious. "Statism is a system of institutionalized violence and perpetual civil war. It leaves men no choice but to fight to seize political power—to rob or be robbed, to kill or be killed. When brute force is the only criterion of social conduct, and unresisting surrender to destruction is the only alternative, even the lowest of men, even an animal—even a cornered rat—will fight. There can be no peace within an enslaved nation." Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, June 26, 2010 at 02:02 AM in "Greece's 9/11" | Permalink | Comments (0) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, June 25, 2010 at 05:31 PM in The Truth About Islam | Permalink | Comments (6) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Excerpt: I’m praying for Israel. I praying that someone like Eldad, someone who’s not corrupt – someone who can lead the Jewish people, now, through such treacherous waters. And with what’s happening in America. I mean, you elect -- I can’t even believe the man, Barack Hussein Obama, could possibly be on the ticket. With his allegiances, and his connections. He’s, you know, an African-American, and isn’t that great, let’s all feel good about ourselves – first of all, he’s an Arab-American, he’s not an African-American, and to vote for him because he’s black is worse than not voting for him because he’s black. It’s still racism. Content of character! Who cares? He’s got a foreign policy group that is more jihadi, more pro-terror – Samantha Powers. I mean, we’re talking about people that advocate for recognizing Hamas and Hezbollah. He’s endorsed by the Black Panther Party. He’s endorsed by Farrakhan. What are we talking about here? This is the world the way I want it to be? No. You have to deal with the world the way it is. A is A. And only then can you make rational, good decisions. And I say that to Israel. Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, June 25, 2010 at 05:02 PM in Obama: Lethal for Israel | Permalink | Comments (7) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This!
America’s founding ideal was the principle of individual rights. Nothing more—and nothing less. The rest—everything that America achieved, everything she became, everything “noble and just,” and heroic, and great, and unprecedented in human history—was the logical consequence of fidelity to that one principle. The first consequence was the principle of political freedom, i.e., an individual’s freedom from physical compulsion, coercion or interference by the government. The next was the economic implementation of political freedom: the system of capitalism. Ayn Rand More blatant anti-American, unconstitutional law breaking. This country was founded on the basic, brilliant principle of individual rights. It took centuries of blood, sweat and toil to get here. No special rights for special classes. No one is supreme over another. This idea, the foundation of the greatest nation on the history of man, is being flouted by Islamic supremacists and their leftist shills. Why the "special handling" of Muslims? Why treat Muslims as if they were mental patients? It is insulting to all Muslims. If I were part of Muslim leadership, I would rail against this polarization. Muslims should be thought of as Americans, period. Why the relentless separatism from American society as a whole? If I were Muslim, I would fight this isolationism and polarization that Islamic supremacist groups like un-indicted co-conspirator, Hamas-linked, Muslim Brotherhood fronts CAIR, ISNA, ICNA, etc., inflict upon American Muslims. It is positively un-American. Why deliberately set up divisions among Americans? Honest people are never touchy about the matter of being trusted. Mark sent me this: I received the following email from Nancy Eisenhart. It appears that our tax funded police force is reaching out to the Muslim community by holding community forums just for Muslims. Nancy rightly asks why is there no outreach forums for the rest of us? Please contact the police department and make your feelings known. The forum has already taken place, but this type of outreach to a select group must stop. Look what the taxpayers of L. A County are paying for, the same group that boycotts law-seeking Arizona. Supporting the a Muslim Community Forum. Now let's see if they will promote a Jewish Community Forum, or a Christian Community Forum. Please write Charlie Beck and the other LAPD enablers about your objections or your expectations. Nancy Subject: Community Message: Muslim Community Forum Community Message has been issued by the LAPD - Community Relations Division.
WHO: Chief Charlie Beck
WHY: This event gives an opportunity for community members to engage with LAPD and Police Chief Beck, in a continued effort to strengthen partnerships with the communities in the spirit of openness and transparency. Muslim communities, businesses, and organizations will meet for an evening of dialogue at the IMAN Center. Contact: For further information, contact Sgt. II Ralph Morales and Officer Sandra Moura, Community Relations Division at (213) 486-6000. For full details, go to Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, June 25, 2010 at 02:02 PM in Creeping Sharia: American Dhimmitude, Fighting Sharia, Fighting the jihad | Permalink | Comments (3) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! This is the asshat who sided with chuckie the traitor, sided with Palin's deranged and dangerous stalker McGinnis, and slammed Spencer and I among others ...... That the Washington Post had this clown covering the conservative blog beat says it all. I wonder who WaPo will tab to fill Weigel's crocs? Kos? A spokesperson for the Post said the paper will not offer additional comments but confirmed that the writer's resignation was accepted. Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, June 25, 2010 at 01:02 PM | Permalink | Comments (5) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! You have to wonder if there will be anyone on our side left in the government after the Obama putsch. 2012 is a world of history away. Between now and then, think the unthinkable. You have to ask yourself, does President Hussein know one good guy, one decent American? One man with ethics and morals? One man who actually likes America? Seriously, name one. Obama Nominates 9/11 Lawyer James Cole for Deputy Attorney General Washington, D.C., 23 June 2010. On May 24, 2010, President Barak Obama nominated Mr. James Cole for the position of Deputy Attorney General of the United States. While the Center for Democracy and Human Rights in Saudi Arabia (CDHR) does not accuse Mr. Cole of any wrongdoing, we found his nomination objectionable on moral and humane principles. While Prince Naif and his family did not hijack American planes and use them to massacre thousands of innocent Americans, the royal family’s institutions provided the terrorists with the tools: anti-American sentiments and religious hate for non-Muslims. Prince Naif’s Al-Haramain Foundation, designated by the Department of Treasury as a facilitator of terrorism, is reported to have diverted funds to Al-Qaeda both before and after 9/11. Prince Naif has never acknowledged his country’s role in the murderous 9/11 attack which resulted in destruction of America’s economic and military symbols of power and trade, the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. As Deputy Attorney General, Mr. Cole would be responsible for the process of determining prosecution, as well as the treatment and interrogation of terrorist suspects. Notably, Mr. Cole would be involved in choosing the location of the trial of Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks. Debra Burlingame, who lost a family member in the 9/11 attack, argues that Cole "would be the guy who would be leading the charge for the entire department in the war on terror and I think he is grossly ill-suited." Her understandable and justified concern is echoed by Republican Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama, who referred to an op-ed by Mr. Cole in 2002 in which he described the 9/11 attacks as criminal acts instead of acts of war. Sessions said that “Cole's opinions alone are controversial at a time the country is fighting terrorism.” The question that should be asked is how Mr. Cole will relate to Prince Naif, whom he represented and exonerated of any wrongdoing under the American democratic system of justice. Will he press Naif to curtail Saudi religious clerics’ hate dissemination against America, stop supporting extremists groups and institutionalize laws to make it a crime for Saudi nationals to commit acts of terrorism against the US and the international community? How would Prince Naif respond to Mr. Cole? Knowing the Saudi way of doing business, we can only assume that Prince Naif would say, “Mr. Cole you have found me and my country innocent of any involvement, directly or indirectly, in any act of terrorist activities.” Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, June 25, 2010 at 12:05 PM in President Hussein | Permalink | Comments (6) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! The next level of Obama's cultural jihad and indoctrination of our young. This comes fresh on the heels of OFA (Obama's Organizing for America) organizing in the public school classroom -- one parent said at the time: "I Can't Even Pass Out Fliers in the School for Girl Scouts Without Permission from the Superintendent's Office." Obama's plan to co-op the young, and the technology they use. Atlas reader Hunt opined, "This is a big story, a potential game-changer (in a bad way). Plus, with the iPad, iPhone, iPod ecosystem now being tapped by BHO, watch for unique targeted videos from fearless leader to further hypnotize/galvanize his political fan base. Demagoguery in the iPhone/iPad age. Goebbels would be frothing at the possibilities." And let us not forget the virulent anti-semitism on the pages of of Obama's OFA site: here and here and here and here and here and here and hereand here. Barack Obama -- Organizing for America app launches for Apple iPhone, iPad, iPod touch MacWorld (hat tip Hunt) • Call Congress: Calling your member of Congress is one on the most effective ways to make your voice heard on the issues you care about. Easily find the phone number, call, and report the results of your conversation with your representatives. What is the bias at apple? "International Draw Muhammad Day" was a day of protest fueled by a Facebook page that encouraged followers to post images of the Muslim prophet. Fallout from the protest included the banning of Facebook and YouTube in Pakistan. But Apple removed the app called iSlam Muhammad from the iPhone App Store, according to TUAW. "A description of the $.99 app encouraged users to 'enjoy violent and hateful passages from The Qur'an that support and encourage Muslims to attack and behead anyone who does not agree with them. See how Allah directs his followers to treat men and women.'" "The app revolved around parchment images featuring controversial images from the holy text. The app was in the store for a day before it was pulled." (more here) So no defamation of Islam -- that app was removed. Check out Penn's take. But the fascist speeches of Mussolini are available, and the speeches are downloadable. So Mussolini's ok. Who decides? An iPhone application devoted to Benito Mussolini, one of the key figures in the creation of Fascism, has been criticised after recorddownloads on Holocaust Memorial Day. iMussolini beat blockbuster games including Avatar on the Italian iTunes App Store on Wednesday 27th January. That date was chosen for the Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD), as it is the anniversary of the day in 1945 on which the Soviet Army liberated the largest Nazi concentration camp - Auschwitz-Birkenau. The application offers biographical information and a chance to read hundreds of speeches, along with video clips of the dictator in action. Mussolini ruled Italy from 1922 until his death in 1945 at the end of World War II. The man behind iMussolini defended the iPhone application. "It’s a delicate page in our history that should never be forgotten,” Luigi Marino told Bloomberg News. "I’m stunned by the success of the application. I’ve had complaints, but also lots of positive feedback asking me to keep updating." Typically, a Milan-based spokeswoman for Apple declined to comment. Available from the Apple iTunes App Store, iMussolini costs 59p and requires the iPhone 3.0 Software Update or later. iMussolini is presented in Italian only. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, June 24, 2010 at 11:59 PM in How the Left Destroys the Nation, Obama's Mafia Presidency, President Hussein | Permalink | Comments (28)ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! It seems fitting that the Muslims would kick off their Jewish genocidal campaign in Austria, land of Hitler's youth and rise power. Hurry Up Harry caught the whole goosestepping, blood lusty march by the Muslims calling for the annihilation of the Jews and exalting the anti-Christ himself, Hitler. Good luck with Europe. Good luck with a Jew-less continent overrun with warlike Muslims. I wonder how torsion is in the new Europe.............. f neo-Nazis would march in Vienna with a poster proclaiming “Hitler wake up”, the left-liberal Viennese weekly Falter would not describe this as “strange demand”, but ask why the police allowed this slogan (a criminal offence in Austria) to be shown unhindered in public. But when it reported a demonstration organized by anti-imperialist “activists” on June 1st, they found the demand “Hitler wake up” only “strange”. The big pro-Hamas demonstration in Vienna on June 4th was different from demonstrations in other European cities. One of its main speakers was Omar al Rawi, a Social Democratic (SPÖ) member of Vienna’s local parliament (Wiener Landtag), who is also “Integrationsbeauftragter” (officially responsible for the integration of foreigners) belonging to the Muslim religious community of Austria. Omar al Rawi, who is associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, spoke in front of about 10,000 demonstrators shouting “Israel – murderers” who waived “Israel – child killer” banners. “Neuer Nazi Israel” “New Nazi Israel”[1] Thomas Schmidinger, an Austrian lecturer on Political Sciences at the University of Vienna and co-author of a handbook on political Islam in Austria, published in the Vienna daily Die Presse a comment “against the ‘ethicizing’ of politics”[2]. Schmidinger blamed all Austrian parties and wrote about the SPÖ and Omar al Rawi, whose “official position of contact to political Islam is of great importance. His friendly façade always crumbles when the subject matter turns to his real passion, mobilizing feelings against Israel. He has often appeared as rabble-rouser at demonstrations of Arab and Turkish Islamists professing solidarity with Hamas-governed Gaza. Last Friday, when I left the National Library, I heard from afar the voice of Al Rawi, raging and ranting against the ‘open air prison’ of Gaza in which ‘one and a half million people are incarcerated’, that the Palestinian victims ‘did not die in vain’ and that their fight must go on.[3] The angry crowd called Israel “terrorist state” and “child-Killer”. Al Rawi could proudly refer to a unanimous resolution by the Vienna Landtag condemning Israel”[4] before his audience with Turkish, Iranian and Hezbollah flags. UPDATE Armaros adds: I think it is perfectly appropriate to allude to the Mufi when Jews are attacked in Germany today by Muslims.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, June 24, 2010 at 03:19 PM in Antisemitism:Modern Argument to Age Old Hate | Permalink | Comments (10) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! The Muslims are finishing the work of the Mufti al-Husseini, Hitlers ally and mass slaughterer of Jews during the the holocaust. Sixty years later, it's the Muslims who are dragging the rest of the world with them, in their genocidal dreams of annihilating goodness, creativity, production, inventiveness, benevolence, charity, medicine, technology, and all of the gifts of the Jews. Our goodness makes them ill. Note "youths" in the headline. The corrupt, cowering, Jew-hating media is covering up for the Muslim barbarians again. Jew hate - it's in the koran -- go here. BERLIN – Arab youths threw stones at a Jewish dance group during a street festival in Hannover, injuring one dancer and forcing the group to cancel its performance, German police and dance officials said Thursday. The teenagers also used a megaphone to shout anti-Semitic slurs during the attack Saturday, Hannover police spokesman Thorsten Schiewe said. "I don't remember such a dramatic attack in Germany in recent times," said Michael Fuerst, the head of the Jewish community of the state of Lower Saxony. Six suspects have been identified — five Arabic immigrants and one German — and police are looking for the other three, police said. The six range from nine to 19 years old and have been questioned by police. Hannover prosecutors are investigating those involved on suspicion of incitement and causing serious bodily harm, prosecutor Irene Silinger said. Stephan Kramer of the Central Council of Jews in Germany condemned the attack. "This latest incident shows something we have not experienced before: A growing radicalization of young Muslims, which affects not only the Jewish community but the entire German community," Kramer told The Associated Press. The Central Council of Muslims in Germany could not immediately be reached for comment. Stephan Kramer of the Central Council of Jews in Germany condemned the attack. "This latest incident shows something we have not experienced before: A growing radicalization of young Muslims, which affects not only the Jewish community but the entire German community," Kramer told The Associated Press. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, June 24, 2010 at 01:31 PM | Permalink | Comments (7) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! CARACAS (Reuters) – Venezuela will nationalize a fleet of oil rigs belonging to U.S. company Helmerich and Payne, the latest takeover in a push to socialism as President Hugo Chavez struggles with lower oil output and a recession. A former soldier inspired by Cuba's Fidel Castro, Chavez has made energy nationalization the linchpin in his 'revolution'. He has also taken over assets in telecommunications, power, steel and banking. The 11 drilling rigs have been idled for months following a dispute over pending payments by the OPEC member's state oil company PDVSA. Oil Minister Rafael Ramirez said on Wednesday the rigs, the Oklahoma-based company's entire Venezuelan fleet, were beingnationalized to bring them back into production. Ramirez said companies that refused to put their rigs into production were part of a plan to weaken Chavez's government, "There is a group of drill owners that has refused to discuss tariffs and services with PDVSA and have preferred to keep this equipment stored for a year," Ramirez told reporters in the oil producing state of Zulia. "That is the specific case with U.S. multinational Helmerich and Payne." The company was not immediately available for comment. Chavez, who faces legislative elections in September, often pushes ahead with radical plans during election campaigns. The 55-year-old leader is having a hard time in his 11th year in power. Venezuela's economy is the worst performing in Latin America this year, a problem exacerbated by a drop in oil output since 2008, power outages and soaring inflation. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, June 24, 2010 at 12:33 PM in Energy | Permalink | Comments (11) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! As many of you know, a group of Christians were denied their unalienable rights of free speech and freedom of assembly that are set forth in our Constitution and above all, endowed by our creator. In a stunning and unlawful usurpation of American law, sharia law was enforced at a Muslim festival in Dearborn, Michigan, where these gentlemen (see video) were arrested for ..... going to a festival and passing out fliers. I wrote a piece for Human Events about it, Islamic Law Comes to Dearborn, and blogged it here as well: Non-Muslims Arrested for Attending an Arab {Muslim} Festival. Acts 17 Apologetics, a Christian evangelistic group, was banned from passing out fliers at this year’s Arab Festival in Dearborn, Mich., but they went to the festival anyway and ended up getting arrested. On Saturday, I got this message from David Wood of Acts 17: “Muslims threatened to kill Nabeel [Qureshi, an ex-Muslim and David’s colleague] and me if we showed up again at Arab Fest in Dearborn, so we went there yesterday. They didn’t kill us. Instead, police arrested us and we got to spend a night in jail (along with two others who were video recording us).” Wondering if they were arrested for passing out fliers in defiance of the ban, I asked David about the ban. He answered, “Yes, we’re banned from handing out literature, but we didn’t do that. We followed the rules, and still got thrown in jail. They flat out lied about us. We can prove they lied with the video footage (just like last year), but the police took our cameras and won’t let us have the footage. There’s major oppression of anyone who criticizes Islam.” Last year, Nabeel, David and friends went to the Arab Festival and filmed a video that went viral. It is amazing to see in that video what happened in America. It was free speech under siege. Nabeel and David were harassed and intimidated, aided and abetted by law enforcement. Said David and Nabeel: “The conclusion of this video is a mob of festival security attacking our cameras, pushing us back, kicking our legs, and lying to the police. We ask you, is it a coincidence that the city with the highest percentage of Muslims in the United States is the city where Christianity is not allowed to be represented (let alone preached) on a public sidewalk?” This of course, is an outrage. Flouting American law, shredding our constitution and the laws of land. Christian Taliban? But wait. While I pay little mind to the mentally ill fringe of blog society, I sincerely hope Chuckie Johnson has a minder. He is going to hurt himself, or perhaps target the Christian Taliban. Maybe they have an extra bed up there at the cuckoo's nest ............. he is either a goner or he's on the payroll. Witness how the deranged one has gone from the right, done a 180 and spun out to the left, and finally gone certifiably, dangerously crazy. Crazy, as in lock-this-guy-up crazy. Chuck Johnson says there is "almost no difference between fanatics like acts17 and the Taliban."
Out on a weekend pass, chuckie hunts Christian taliban Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, June 24, 2010 at 10:50 AM in Blogosphere: The New Power, How the Left Destroys the Nation | Permalink | Comments (33) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Shariah-Compliant Finance specialist joins White House as Fellow Sharia Finance Blog via Creeping The White House has announced the appointment of 13 men and women to serve as White House Fellows. Atop the list in the release issued by the White House is an attorney named Samar Ali. Ms. Ali specializes in advising clients on “Shariah-compliant” transactions and was a founding member of the first U.S. delegation to the World Islamic Economic Forum. Long-time SFW readers may recall that it was at the World Islamic Economic Forum where key leaders declared Shariah Finance to be “dawa” (missionary) activity to promote Islam and Shariah. Here is White House Fellow Samar Ali’s full biography: Samar Ali, Waverly, TN. Samar Ali is an Associate with the firm Hogan Lovells US LLP. She is responsible for counseling clients on mergers & acquisitions, cross-border transactions, Shari’a compliant transactions, project finance, and international business matters. During her time with Hogan Lovells, she has been a founding member of the firm’s Abu Dhabi office. Prior to that, she clerked for The Honorable Gilbert S. Merritt of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit and for The Honorable Edwin Cameron, now of the Constitutional Court of South Africa, where she also worked extensively on editing his book Witness to AIDS. While in Nashville, Samar led the YMCA Israeli-Palestinian Modern Voices for Progress Program, and is currently the transatlantic liaison for the development of the Palestine Diabetes Institute. She is a founding member of the first U.S. Delegation to the World Islamic Economic Forum, and has served as an Advisory Board Member of the Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health. She is also a three-time Southeastern Tae Kwon Do Black Belt Champion. Samar received a J.D. from Vanderbilt Law School and a B.S. in Political Science with Honors from Vanderbilt, where she served as the first Arab-Muslim student body president. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, June 24, 2010 at 10:09 AM in President Hussein | Permalink | Comments (6) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! As New Yorkers who suffered the ultimate call to prayer on 911, there is no reason in the world why we must be subjected to this noise harassment. Pamela H caught this amplified "call to prayer" on 29th street today. Will the 13-story mega mosque be blaring the Muslim call to prayer on 911? Bronx Mosque Suspends Request to Amplify Call to Prayer; Residents Remain Unsympathetic This is merely an extension of the takeover of our streets -- every year we have to put up with this islamic supremacism. Child in she a sex object? Why the cover up? Crazy Police dropped down too The fellow in a NYPD uniform kneeling down with the eagles on his shoulder is at the rank of Inspector. He seems awfully damn young to be that high up the ranks. Takbir! Shoes praying Women praying (only in the back) -- a la the old back of the bus. What would Rosa Parks say?
Women allowed to pray in the last two rows only. Keffiyahs abound (modern day swastika) There was a "census" booth urging Muslims to get involved in the Census -- "it's in our hands"
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Blast at Greek police ministry kills top aide
Friday, June 25, 2010
Tuesday June 22, 2010 6:19 AM PDT
Muslim Community Forum
WHAT: Muslim Community Forum
WHEN: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
WHERE: Iranian Muslim Association of North America (IMAN)
3376 Motor Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90034
Deputy Chief Michael Downing, Counter Terrorism and Criminal Intelligence Bureau Muslim Representatives
MORE GOOD NEWS .................
FIRST ON FBDC: FishbowlDC has confirmed that WaPo conservative-beat blogger Dave Weigel has resigned after a slew of his anti-conservative comments and emails surfaced onFishbowlDC and Daily Caller over the past two days.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Organizing for America has an ambitious plan to reach out to voters this election season and—through the Vote 2010 campaign—reconnect with the millions of people who were inspired to participate in the political process for the first time in 2008.
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Apple pulled the iSsam Muhammad app and will not tell me why or what I could do to fix it.
The biggest problem is the fact that Apple allows an app called Bible Thumper, which does the same thing to Christianity, but no one may make an application that will offend Muslims.
This is the actual call I received from Apple when they decided to pull my app.
iSlam Muhammad is a simple slideshow application comprised of violent passages from the Qur'an and images of Muhammad.
There is no need for direct proof just opening one's eyes.
Mein Kampf is a best seller in almost every Muslim country. Arab ones as well as Turkey and Bangladesh.
Farrakhan calls Hitler a great man.
Nazi symbolism like heil salutes and fascist movements along with Nazi inspired antisemitic imagery in Muslim papers and blogs is so common that it is not even mentioned anymore.
The MCB wanting to cancel Holocaust day in the UK. Muslim groups intimidating educators to not to teach the Holocaust and most (like 90%) of antisemitic incidents attributed to Muslims in Europe should not be mentioned.
Iran spreading antisemitism in German Book Fairs and on and on...MUSLIMS ATTACK JEWISH DANCE GROUP IN GERMANY
Venezuela to nationalize U.S. firm's oil rigs
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Saturday, 26 June 2010
Posted by
Britannia Radio