Oppression of Christians World Wide.
Religion Today Summaries - June 8, 2010 - Christian Persecution News Crosswalk.com Daily briefs of the top Christian news and persecution stories impacting believers around the world. Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) and other ... See all stories on this topic | ||
Continentalnews.net International Christian Concern (www.persecution.org) is a Washington-DC based human rights organization that exists to help persecuted Christians worldwide ... | ||
Continentalnews.net These Christians may not be the ones that the world sees as “great,” but in the eyes of our Father, they are warriors of the highest valor – because they ... | ||
Is Israel Exempt From International Law? By Rev. Ted Pike Al-Jazeerah.info Christians could be the first victims of such loss of freedom. As architect of hate crimes laws worldwide, ADL is in the supremely powerful position of ... |
Britannia Radio By Britannia Radio Lighting The Way Worldwide: Proof of the Resurrection By Dwayna Litz It's apparent that Christians have practiced baptism and communion from the very inception of the Church. These rituals testify to the fact that they acknowledged the ...... the failure of the British to produce enough children to sustain their own future, the utterly inadequate education of tens of thousands of young people, and the exploitation of so-called 'terrorism' to impose a regime of oppression. ... Britannia Radio - http://britanniaradio.blogspot.com/ |
YouTube - Persecution of Christian-Assyrians in Iraq.wmv queueChristians are being persecuted worldwide77169 viewsResistMaitreya · Christian Martyrs and Persecution of Christians 9:25. Add to queue. Added to ... www.youtube.com/?v=OSQ-E61hiQI |
Appeal for Christians worldwide to write to Uzbek authorities Appeal for Christians worldwide to write to Uzbek authorities. Barnabas Fund is concerned about the resurgence of official harassment of law-abiding Uzbek ... www.christiantelegraph.com/issue9977.html |