Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Support the Fourth of July Emergency Food Drive and help a wounded hero feed his family

Please donate today

Dear Patriotic American,

This July 4 holiday, we would like you to show your support for our troops wounded in battle by displaying an American Flag Decal on your car, home or office window.  And it’s yours with a donation to the Fourth of July Emergency Food Drive.

Just this past May, the 1,000th
Army Sgt. Brian Fleming suffered third-degree burns, a brain injury and PTSD after he was blown up by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan.  American soldier was killed fighting for our freedom in Afghanistan

And this is just as war efforts in Afghanistan are beginning to ramp up. Add these 1,000 deaths to the approximately 4,400 troops killed in Iraqand the number begins to become staggering. 

As upsetting as the nearly 5,500 deaths number is, many more troops return home wounded.  In fact, nearly 38,000 soldiers have been reported as woundedsince the start of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.

While those killed in action receive the most attention, please don’t forget about these 38,000 wounded heroes. 

When they return home, many of them can no longer work, provide for their families or even take care of themselves in many circumstances.

These wounded soldiers were involved in the same IED explosions, hostile enemy fire, or suicide bomber attacks that killed their fellow soldiers. 

The only difference for them is they got to live, though they must now live with missing limbs, severe burns, brain injuries, mental illness or blindness.

And they suffered these injuries voluntarily, because they felt a duty to country.

That’s why the Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes is running a Fourth of July Emergency Food Drive.

Because when our wounded heroes return home, they look to us for help. 

And we’re looking to you for help.  I’m begging you to help.

With your generous tax- deductible donation to the Fourth of July Emergency Food Drive, you’ll also receive an American Flag Decal to proudly display.  Please help so we can have enough money put away to provide these wounded troops with the food they need to provide for themselves and their families.

The Coalition Helps Real Heroes

Real heroes like

Sgt. Delano Smith from Fort Knox, Kentucky who wrote: 

"I have TBI, a Traumatic Brain Injury from being blown up twice.  There are several other things I deal with, but the PTSD & TBI are the worst.  I have been medically retired by the Army, our income level dropped significantly & we've exhausted our savings. During our worst month, CSAH paid our rent AND agave us a $500 Gift card for food, gas, and necessities.  I have never been so broke and stressed about my financial situation before. It was humiliating & difficult.  I am so thankful CSAH helped me and my wife hold on. I am even more thankful for the way they did it…. kindly and repectfully. It's hard enough to ask for help, it's even harder if people treat you bad when you're already at your lowest. CSAH helped financially AND thanked me for my service to our country; YOU ROCK!"

And Sgt. Kevin Tourville of Stockville, California who wrote:

"As Warriors, we never want to ask for help. However, treatment has taught warriors that we can and need to askMy family will be forever grateful for the assistance provided by the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes.  "For nothing is impossible with God." Luke 1:37."   

Or Specialist Azriel Reid from Scottsdale, Arizona who was also thankful for support from the Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes:

"I was on a combat patrol in Narman, Iraq and was stuck by an IED and now suffer from traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and severe post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).  The assistance that I received from the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes was truly a blessing!  We have the greatest military in the world but we also have the greatest people behind us. God Bless you guys for everything."

"My parents are constantly worried about my health and mental state and it is taking a toll on them.  They say it's worse now for them than when I was in Iraq.  The Coalition is awesome they will help soldiers like me. They care about us and don't allow us to be embarrassed to ask for help."

Get your Support Our Wounded Troops decalPlease provide your most generous, tax-deductible donation to help the Fourth of July Emergency Food Drive put food on the table for severely wounded heroes like Delano, Kevin and Azriel.

We will be sending wounded soldiers $60 cards for groceries this July 4.  Please keep in mind a $60 donation can help one hero, $120 can help two, $180 can help three and so on.  A lesser donation will be combined with others to support the Fourth of July Emergency Food Drive.

My name is Major General John Singlaub.  I parachuted into Nazi-occupied France during WWII to prepare French Resistance fighters for the Allied invasion, trained Chinese guerrillas for operations against the Japanese, ran covert operations against the North Koreans and the Chinese.  And I commanded all U.S. Special Ops Forces in Southeast Asia.

Now I’m working with the Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes, an excellent nonprofit organization that provides emergency aid to our troops who have been severely wounded in Iraq or Afghanistan. 

Major Offensive Will Result in Hundreds of Wounded Troops

Currently, our forces in Afghanistan are preparing for a major and lengthy summer offensive in Kandahar

Kandahar is the Taliban’s heartland.  U.S. officials believe Kandahar is where Taliban leaders planned the attacks of September 11, 2001.

It was the Taliban’s governing capital prior to the beginning of the war in 2001.  Defeating the Taliban in Kandahar is considered crucial to finally winning the war in Afghanistan.

The planned two-month offensive in Kandahar is going to add many more soldiers to the nearly 5,500 dead and 38,000 wounded during the War on Terror in Iraq and Afghanistan.

We need to be able to help the wounded soldiers and their families when they return home.

Please make your most generous, tax-deductible donation to help the Fourth of July Emergency Food Drive so we can be prepared to provide $60 cards for groceries to the wounded soldiers.

When these wounded heroes return home, they must often wait up anywhere from 3 to 6 months to begin receiving their VA benefits.  If there are any complications, this wait can be more than a year.

Can I count on your contribution this July 4 season to help our heroes?

I hope you’ll join me in making a generous donation.  Your donation can helpsomeone just like Delano, Kevin or Azriel.

I thank you for reading my email and I look forward to hearing back from you in the next few minutes.

God bless you and America this Fourth of July,

John K. Singlaub

Major General John K. Singlaub
U.S. Army (Ret.)

P.S.  Please respond now as we are expecting hundreds of severely wounded troops to be returning home over the next couple of months as fighting in Afghanistan intensifies.  The summer offensive in Kandahar will coincide directly with the July 4 holiday.  Your generous, tax-deductible donation to the Fourth of July Emergency Food Drive will enable us to fulfill the needs of these soldiers when they get back home.

P.P.S.  Don’t forget with your donation, you’ll receive an American Flag decal to proudly display on your car, home or office window.  As the wars fade from the news, it’s even more important that we continue to display our support of our troops.  They are fighting for us, and we need to be here for them.