Protect Yourself From the “Debt Super Cycle” Join Bill O’Reilly, Dick Morris, Jim Rogers, Dear Newsmax and Moneynews Reader, A “Debt Super Cycle.” Those are the words famed billionaire economist Bill Gross used to describe the catastrophic state of our economy. As you may know, he’s the founder of the largest bond fund in the world. So, it’s safe to say Bill Gross knows a thing or two about assessing risk. The Economic Crisis Summit Panel Reserve your 100% FREE spot at this powerful internet broadcast HERE! So when he issues a warning about unsustainable U.S. government debts . . . you ought to pay attention. To Join us for the Economic Crisis Summit, Click Here This “Debt Super Cycle” refers to America’s outstanding debt exceeding the value of its annual economic output. America's current deficit is $13 trillion. (And that doesn’t even include promises for Social Security, Medicare, and other entitlement programs!) Now compare that with total economic output of $14.6 trillion. That certainly doesn’t leave a lot of room to spare. With our debt increasing and economy shrinking, things are moving in the wrong direction. According to data from the International Monetary Fund, This dangerous trend will inevitably cause our interest rates to rise in an attempt to attract the few foreign investors who will still find our Treasuries attractive. When this happens we’ll find almost all of the money you and I pay in taxes will simply be allocated to paying off the interest alone — and eventually that won’t even foot the bill. But, it could get even worse: What will happen when our creditors simply refuse to buy our debt? Drastic inflation . . . a battered and beaten dollar . . . and the possible eradication of American wealth. If Bill Gross is worried about these things . . . then you should be worried too. We face serious problems, and with the way our politicians and the Federal Reserve are handling things, it doesn’t appear that a solution is at hand. But There Are Ways to Protect Your Wealth and Freedom. On June 17, Newsmax will convene a powerful panel of experts to address and discuss these threats to your wealth. But more importantly, we intend to offer solutions and specific actions you can take immediately to safeguard your finances while discovering new avenues to achieve prosperity!To join us for FREE, click here now! Our premier guest on this critical, 100% FREE, Internet broadcast — The Economic Crisis Summit – will be Fox News’ Bill O'Reilly. On his nightly show, he has sounded many early warnings about the dangerous economic times we are facing. We will also be joined by Dick Morris, the man Time magazine referred to as "the most influential private citizen in America." He’s advised presidents, politicians, and foreign leaders, and he’s here to give you the real story about what lies ahead for our nation. Also joining this critical Internet broadcast will be world-renowned investor and best-selling author, Jim Rogers. He’ll be on hand to discuss the new global economy and give his take on how investors can profit even during bad times. Your very wealth may depend on the information and answers presented during this exclusive event. So do not miss it. Make it a point to attend. And here is the best part . . . Attendance at this Internet broadcast on June 17 is 100% Free! I don’t want anything to stand in your way. That is why there is absolutely no cost to attend. All you need are a computer and an Internet connection. That’s it. Click here to reserve your spot now. In fact, even if you can't make the June 17 date, still sign up as you will be notified of any rebroadcasts. To help you prepare for this groundbreaking event, we also will provide you with exclusive, 24/7 access to the Economic Crisis Summit VIP website, where you can view exclusive articles and thought-provoking videos on inflation, taxes, and a weakened dollar. And, most importantly . . . what to do about it! Although inflation and economic crisis may be inevitable, you do not have to sit back and watch as it destroys your wealth. You can and you must take action! Secure Your Free Invitation — Click Here Now Together we will tackle the threats of inflation and crippling taxes. And we will give you the solutions you need to protect your wealth and prosper. To Your Success, P.S.: Sitting idly by is no longer an option. Get powerful solutions for these uncertain times. Secure Your Free Invitation to the
That Threatens Your Very Livelihood!
and Christopher Ruddy on the Internet Broadcast
Economic Crisis Summit
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Bill O'Reilly
Dick Morris
Jim Rogers
U.S. debt is expected to surpass our gross domestic product by 2012.
There Are Answers That Will Allow You to Prosper
And That is Why I am Writing You Today . . .
Aaron DeHoog
Financial Publisher
Newsmax and Moneynews
Economic Crisis Summit by
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Sunday, 13 June 2010
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Britannia Radio