Wednesday, 23 June 2010


Paul Flynn MP Slams WHO Swine Flu 'Pandemic' Hoax

'WASTE OF MONEY': Newport West MP Paul Flynn
Newport West MP Paul Flynn said the World Health Organisation had “cried wolf” over the virus and was in danger of being ignored by the public in future. In a report written for the Council of Europe and to be presented to it later in the week, Mr Flynn argues governments wasted huge sums of money on vaccines that were not needed. Health authorities across Europe found their priorities diverted in their response to the declaration of a swine flu pandemic, he said, allegedly made after the WHO changed its definition of a pandemic so that it no longer considered how many infections or deaths had taken place.
It added that people’s health was also put at risk through vaccines and medications that might not have been tested enough before being authorised. Mr Flynn said:
“This was bad science and it was possibly influenced more by the needs of the pharmaceutical companies to make profits rather than the priorities of public health."

David Deans, South Wales Argus
Related Links:
WHO And The Pandemic Flu Conspiracies
Deborah Cohen & Philip Carter, British Medical Journal

Two 'Experts' Resign From WHO Swine Flu Panel

The World Health Organization said Tuesday that two members of an expert panel reviewing the global body's response to the swine flu outbreak have resigned over concerns about perceived conflict of interest. John MacKenzie and Tony Evans stepped down because their close association with the UN health organization during the outbreak could be seen as conflicting with the panel's ability to remain independent, WHO said. Mackenzie, a professor of tropical infectious diseases at Curtin University in Australia, and Evans, medical chief of the Montreal-based International Civil Aviation Organization, were on the emergency committee that advised WHO's Director-General Margaret Chan before she declared swine flu a pandemic.
Associated Press
Related Links:
Report Condemns WHO Swine Flu Experts' Ties To Big Pharma
Randeep Ramesh, The Guardian

Serum Concentrations of Antibodies Against Vaccine Toxoids in Children Exposed Perinatally to Immunotoxicants

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) may cause immunotoxic effects, but the detailed dose-response relationship and possible vulnerable time windows of exposure are uncertain. This study applied serum concentrations of specific antibodies against childhood vaccines as sentinels of immunotoxicity. The main objective was to assess the possible dependence of antibody concentrations against diphtheria and tetanus toxoids in children in regard to prenatal and postnatal PCB exposures. A total of 587 children participated in the examinations at ages 5 and/or 7 years. At age 5 years, before the booster vaccination, the anti-diphtheria antibody concentration was inversely associated with PCB concentrations in milk and 18-month serum. Results obtained two years later showed an inverse association of concentrations of antibodies against both toxoids with PCB concentrations at age 18 months; the strongest associations suggested a decrease in the antibody concentration b y about 20% for each doubling in PCB exposure. At age 5 years, the odds of an anti-diphtheria antibody concentrations below a clinically protective level of 0.1 IU/L increased by about 30% for a doubling in PCB in milk and 18-month serum. Developmental PCB exposure is associated with immunotoxic effects on serum concentrations of specific antibodies against diphtheria and tetanus vaccinations. The immune system development during the first years of life appears to be particularly vulnerable to this exposure.
One Click Note: We publish the FULL TEXT of this paper that is a MUST READ for the academics et al amongst us.
Heilmann C, et al, Copenhagen University Hospital, Environ Health Perspect. doi: 10.1289/ehp.1001975

FDA Proposes Dangerous Vaccine Rule Change - Take Action Now!

This past spring, the FDA took a hands-off approach to Merck's admission that DNA from a lethal pig virus is contaminating doses of RotaTeq vaccine being swallowed by millions of newborn babies. Now the agency responsible for making sure pharmaceutical products do not hurt people is proposing a Rule Change to give one staff employee the sole authority to allow "exceptions or alternatives" when drug companies want to change vaccine ingredients, such as preservatives (like thimerosal) or adjuvants (like aluminum) or the amount of residual protein and antibiotics in vaccines. If the proposed Rule Change is put into effect, a vaccine manufacturer could request a change in the content or amount of vaccine ingredients by simply writing a "brief statement describing the basis for the request and supporting data" as part of the original license application or for a pending or approved application. There is no information about how much scienti fic evidence the drug companies will have to submit to prove the new ingredients are safe; or whether the FDA's Vaccine Advisory Committee will be able to review that evidence; or whether the American public will have a chance to comment before vaccine ingredients are changed. This does not look like the transparency, public participation and collaboration in government that President Obama said he supports. It removes the checks and balances necessary for good government. Learn how YOU can take action.
Barbara Loe Fisher, National Vaccine Information Center

So Many Foreign Clinical Trials, So Little Oversight

The growing number of clinical trials conducted overseas, which drugmakers are pursuing to hold down costs, has increasingly raised concerns about proper regulatory oversight and the welfare of enrolled patients. Over the last couple of years, for instance, GlaxoSmithKline and Wyeth ran into difficulties in other countries. And Pfizer recently paid $75 million to settle civil and criminal charges brought by a state government in Nigeria over the 1996 Trovan scandal.  A new report quantifies the extent to which drugmakers are researching their meds in other countries and the results suggest the concerns will not go away - 80 percent of drugs approved in 2008 had trials in foreign countries, and 78 percent of all patients were enrolled at foreign sites, according to the US Human & Health Service Inspector General. And 10 drugs approved in 2008 were tested entirely abroad with no patients in the US. The report
“highlights a very frightenin g and appalling situation,” Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, a Connecticut Democrat, tells The New York Times. “By pursuing clinical trials in foreign countries with lower standards and where FDA lacks oversight, the industry is seeking the path of least resistance toward lower costs and higher profits to the detriment of public health.”
Ed Silverman, Pharmalot

FDA And NIH Confirm XMRV Findings In ME CFS Patients

The FDA and the NIH have independently confirmed the XMRV findings in patients suffering from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) as published in Science, October last. This confirmation was issued by Dr. Harvey Alter of the NIH during a closed workshop on blood transfusion held on May 26-27 in Zagreb. Two journalists from the Dutch magazine for health professionals, ORTHO, who have been working on XMRV stories for several months, were able to obtain a copy of the Alter lecture. The highly-experienced Dr. Harvey Alter is Clinical Studies Chief at the Infectious Diseases and Immunogenetics Section of the Department of Transfusion Medicine at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda.
“The data in the Lombardi, et al Science manuscript are extremely strong and likely true, despite the controversy”, was one comment on the XMRV findings reported by Alter in Zagreb. “Although blood transmissio n to humans has not been proved, it is probable. The association with CFS is very strong, but causality not proved. XMRV and related MLVs are in the donor supply with an early prevalence estimate of 3%-7%. We (FDA & NIH) have independently confirmed the Lombardi group findings.”
Esme, Press Release from the Netherlands
Related Links:
Detection of an Infectious Retrovirus, XMRV, in Blood Cells of Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Judy A. Mikovits et al, 10.1126/science.1179052, Science Express

Petition Against DWP Reforms For The Genuinely Sick And Disabled UK

For those of us who are genuinely sick and disabled the new government reforms will make us an easy target to save the country thousands of pounds. We believe that the constant vilification of sick and disabled claimants as work shy scroungers by the press has a great deal to do with increasing levels of harassment. We also believe that the DWP and successive government ministers and MPs have knowingly or recklessly fed stories and quotes to the press about claimants, which have drastically increased the levels of press hostility in recent years. We need all sick and disabled claimants and their carers to sign this petition and help us to place the blame for the increasing hatred and harassment of disabled people where much of it belongs – at the doors of the DWP and its ministers.
The Undersigned, The DWP Petition
Related Links:
Tables Turned - Your Chance To Shop The DWP
Steve Donnison, Benefits & Work