Tuesday, 29 June 2010 08:27 'As unconfirmed reports of an imminent Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear facilities pick up steam in the Middle Eastern media, a US-based strategic intelligence company has released a chart showing US naval carriers massing near Iranian waters. The chart, published by Stratfor and obtained by the Zero Hedge financial blog, shows that over the last few weeks a naval carrier -- the USS Harry S Truman -- has been positioned in the north Indian Ocean, not far from the Strait of Hormuz, which leads into the Persian Gulf. The carrier joins the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, which was already located in the area. The chart is dated June 23, 2010.' Tuesday, 29 June 2010 08:12 'A three year independent investigation into the September 11, 2001 attack on the Pentagon has yielded new eyewitness evidence which, according to the Southern California-based researchers who conducted the investigation, "conclusively (and unfortunately) establishes as a historical fact that the violence which took place in Arlington that day was not the result of a surprise attack by suicide hijackers, but rather a military black operation involving a carefully planned and skillfully executed deception." They have compiled the most pertinent testimony into an 81 minute video presentation entitled National Security Alert, which has earned the respect and praise of a growing number of distinguished academics, journalists, writers, entertainers, pilots, and military personnel.' Read more: Independent Investigation Into Pentagon Attack Yields Alarming Information Tuesday, 29 June 2010 07:56 'More than three billion dollars in cash has been flown out of Kabul in recent years amid fears that ill-gotten gains from corruption and narcotics are being stashed overseas, a report said Monday. The Wall Street Journal said the cash -- more than the Afghan government collects in tax and customs revenue annually -- is legally declared and packed into suitcases or cargo pallets on flights out of Kabul International Airport. "A lot of this looks like our tax dollars being stolen. And opium, of course," a US official who is investigating corruption and Taliban financing told the newspaper.' Read more: Graft Fears as Massive Cash Sums Fly Out of Kabul Tuesday, 29 June 2010 07:20 Does the video remind you of anything? See here to refresh your memory... Tuesday, 29 June 2010 07:15 'The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said it had decided to expand the fishing closure from its current northern boundary as a precautionary measure to make sure consumers don't eat seafood contaminated by the gulf oil spill. All told, a little more than 80,000 square miles, or 33 percent of Gulf of Mexico's federal waters, are now considered a closed area. Because this remains an evolving situation, NOAA said that it will retest the area and reopen fisheries when they are deemed safe. Meanwhile, commercial fishermen in the Gulf, who harvested more than one billion pounds of fish and shellfish in 2008, face another threat to their livelihood: a growing "dead zone" with little or no oxygen in the water.' Tuesday, 29 June 2010 07:11 'Hundreds of kangaroos have been euthanized due to acute fluoride poisoning in the Australian state of Victoria, the country's Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has announced. The poisonings appear to be occurring due to emissions of fluoride from the Alcoa aluminum smelter at Portland and the Austral Bricks factory at Craigieburn, the state's first and second biggest emitters of fluoride dust, respectively. According to Bruce Dawson of the EPA, the toxic chemical is being absorbed by nearby plants that kangaroos and other animals forage on. The animals may also be breathing in the chemical directly.' Tuesday, 29 June 2010 07:03 'A new study, published in the American Journal of Psychiatry and headed by psychiatrist John H. Gilmore, professor of psychiatry and Director of the UNC Schizophrenia Research, claims to be able to detect “brain abnormalities associated with schizophrenia risk” in infants just a few weeks old. We would like to point out the obvious flaw in this bogus study; there is no medical/scientific test in existence that schizophrenia is a physical disease or brain abnormality to start with. There is not one chemical imbalance test, X-ray, MRI or any other test for schizophrenia, not one. So with no evidence of medical abnormality to start with, the “associated with schizophrenia risk” amounts to what George Orwell called Doublespeak (language that deliberately disguises, distorts, misleads)—it means nothing.' Tuesday, 29 June 2010 06:30 'All individuals across the United State will possess a constitutional right to bear arms regardless of their state or city laws banning firearms. The US Supreme Court ruled by a 5-4 margin on Monday to restrict the jurisdiction of state and city governments to impose controls on gun ownership. The new ruling by the top court extends gun ownership rights to every location across America, including the major city of Chicago which has banned handguns for the past 28 years. Justices said that according to the US Constitution individual Americans have the right to keep and carry arms for self-defense.' Tuesday, 29 June 2010 05:40 'Thousands of public and private sector workers in Greece are set to stage a nationwide strike protesting austerity measures that include pension cuts. As the economy continues to spiral downward in much of Europe, the General Confederation of Greek Workers (GSEE) and the Civil Servants' Confederation (ADEDY), which combined represent 2.5 million workers from both public and private sectors, have rallied tens of thousands of people to take part in the fifth national strike since February in the capital city of Athens and other cities.'
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
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Britannia Radio