Saturday, June 05, 2010
What Obama Has Wrought: the Short List
1. The loss of Turkey. It is now firmly in Iran's camp, plotting and planning Israel's destruction and America's expulsion from the Middle East.
2. Nuclear Iran. Obama has allowed the turbaned tyranny to come closer than ever to acquiring atomic arms. Barring a miracle, there is no diplomatic solution; the sanctions push is a bad joke.
3. Ascendant Hamas and Hezbollah. Iran's Islamist proxies are gaining every day in every way.Friday, June 04, 2010
On the Global Anti-Israel Lynch Mob
Sunday, 6 June 2010
What Obamappeasement of the Islamist enemy has wrought:
Caroline Glick nails it, as usual. Her analysis of the global campaign to demonize and destroy Israel--and the role that Obamappeasement plays in this evil effort--is must reading. Click here.
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Britannia Radio