CHILDREN IN NEED THIEF IS JAILED Iraqi asylum cheat who got £700,000 in benefits, three houses and private school for her son Non-EU immigration cap to start next month Our failure to curb binge drinking, by Labour's Alan Johnson Racial violence moves to towns and villages Immigrants to face temporary cap NON-EU IMMIGRATION CAP PLAN SET OUT Interim cap on non-EU migrant workers coming to UK A cap on immigration is the only sane choice ED BALLS IS TRYING HARD BUT HE IS NOT FIT TO BE LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION MINISTERS IMPOSE A LIMIT ON MIGRANT NUMBERS Tories to shut the open door for migrants | Mail OnlineA selection of recent media reports
A SWINDLER who conned Children In Need and Comic Relief out of £100,000 has gone to...
Daily Star (27-Jun-2010)
An asylum seeker bought three homes and sent her son to a fee-paying school by illegally claiming more than £700,000 in benefits, a court heard.
Daily Mail (26-Jun-2010)
A CAP on non-EU immigration will be introduced from next month as the coalition seeks to avoid a last-ditch influx to Britain. Home Secretary Theresa May will announce on Monday that just 24,100 workers from outside Europe will be allowed into the country before April, with highly-skilled migrants...
Edinburgh Evening News (26-Jun-2010)
LABOUR should have clamped down on supermarkets selling super-cheap alcohol, Shadow Home Secretary Alan Johnson admits today as he reveals his "regret" at not doing more to tackle binge...
Yorkshire Post (26-Jun-2010)
Racial violence has shifted from inner cities to British towns and villages, a report has... (26-Jun-2010)
A cap on immigration will be announced by the Home Secretary on Monday in the first step to slash the number of foreign workers coming to Britain, The Daily Telegraph can... (26-Jun-2010)
A cap on non-EU immigration will be introduced from next month as the coalition seeks to avoid a last-ditch influx to Britain, it has been...
Daily Star (26-Jun-2010)
A temporary limit on the number of migrant workers from outside the EU allowed into the UK is to be introduced ahead of a planned permanent...
BBC News UK (26-Jun-2010)
Of the many lies told by the last Labour government, none was more egregious than its claim to be delivering 'British jobs for British workers'. In fact, more than three quarters of new posts went directly to foreign workers, who now hold one in every seven jobs in...
Mail Online (26-Jun-2010)
AS REGULAR readers will recall, this column has officially endorsed Ed Balls for the Labour leadership on the grounds that he would make the party unelectable for a...
Scottish Daily Express (26-Jun-2010)
IMMIGRANT numbers will be limited from next week as the Government drives through its promised...
Scottish Daily Express (26-Jun-2010)
Theresa May will unveil the country's first ever cap on migrant workers on Monday - finally ending Labour's open door immigration policy. Despite opposition within the coalition Cabinet, the Home Secretary will impose a strict limit on the number of non-EU work permits that can be handed...
The Mail On Sunday (26-Jun-2010)
Monday, 28 June 2010
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Britannia Radio