Interesting BBC treatment of the Spanish past. On the one hand, in this programme "The Art of Spain" the BBC proclaims the glorious Islamic rule that Spain enjoyed and how much we owe to that missed Muslim golden age. Then, on the other hand in this programme "The Dark Heart" we learn of the evils of Catholic Spain. Meme is simple; Islam = Good. Christian = bad. Did you read this curious piece by Mark Easton? This was pointed out to me as an example of the pernicious menace of the BBC. Have a read.
I suppose when we consider that the report is by Barbara Plett (Remember her?) we should not be too surprised to read the Mad Mullah's plans to bring about a Second Holocaust gets a sympathetic press. Headed "Fourth Iran sanctions; Last Resort or Lost Opporunity?" Plett ensures that any tough approach to Iran is contextualised against the background of a kindly artistic people whose only crime is toy seek nuclear energy. Can't we just given them just a little more time?EASTON ON INTEGRATION..
The home secretary says her demand that foreign wives and husbands of British citizens learn basic English before they come to the UK is about promoting integration. But critics claim there's a more sinisterand discriminatory reason for introducing the new rules.
So it's now 'sinister' to demand people speak English? Oh well this is what you might expect "critics" to say. Mark then reveals his own thoughts on the issue...
The real issue here is not integration or removing cultural barriers, it might be argued. It is about trying to reduce the economic impact of a legacy of British colonial rule.
Easton reveals his own typical BBC antipathy to our British heritage. Little wonder the BBC was such a cheer-leader for the destructive policies of Labour that forced unrestricted unassimilated immigration down our throats,BAD REPUTATION DESERVED
We're all told to watch our carbon footprint these days, but some so-called "environmental nasties" are not as bad as you might think - at least from a carbon point of view, says Mike Berners-Lee.
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Can you guess what are "good" environmental activities, at least from a carbon point of view? Yes, make yourself a nice cup of tea, read a book and switch on the TV, then settle down and let the BBC educate you. Social engineering, using the green pretext, on the license fee. How long before those who refuse to follow such helpful "advice" are damned as carbon criminals?
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Britannia Radio