Sunday, June 06, 2010
On Obama's New World Order
The essay focuses on Obama's plan to subjugate the United States to the United Nations. The subjugation of the American middle class to Washington is of course key to the scheme. Obamunism seeks the pauperization of the middle class--crushing it and turning it into a wefare/working class wholly dependent on the U.S. government--because the middle class is arguably most dedicated to preserving and protecting the rights of the individual, liberty, patriotism, the traditional American way of life and traditional family values, the Judeo-Christian heritage--in short, to everything that stands in the way of Third World Marxist/Islamist global domination.
Obama is America's first Third World President by birth--his Kenyan father was a socialist and a Muslim, which makes Obama a Muslim according to Islamic law--ideology, and overall outlook and style. Hence, his odious appeasement policy and habit of physically bowing to foreign rulers, including the king of Saudi Arabia, a fountainhead of fascistic fundamentalist Islam and a nation with no human or civil rights.Israel's Former Friends Plot its Destruction
Two of Israel's former friends--non-Arab Muslim nations that were once staunch U.S. allies--are now cooperating closely in a plot to destroy the Jewish State and drive the United States from the Middle East.
This reporter is of course referring to Turkey and Iran. The former is Islamizing under a crypto-Islamist government; the latter country is firmly in the grip of an Islamist regime that openly muses about "a world without America and Zionism" and global Islamist rule.
Working with them are Iran's Islamist Palestinian and Lebanese proxies, Hamas and Hezbollah, respectively, and still secular but steadily Islamizing Syria.
The rough outline of their plan is increasingly clear: a Turkish invasion of Gaza, sooner or later, to set the stage for all-out war. Hamas, which rules the Palestinian terror-territory, will invite Turkey, ask it to intervene. Iran will provide a nuclear/missile umbrella--and threaten to close the Persian Gulf to oil shipping--while Hezbollah and Syria bombard Israel with missiles, including, possibly chemical warheads.
The plan depends on the continued isolation and demonization of Israel and continued U.S. appeasement of radical Islam.
Iran was Israel's friend and an important U.S. ally until the 1979 Islamist overthrow of Iran's Shah, a modernizing monarch. The craven Carter administration was complicit in the Shah's fall, cynically and stupidly believing it could ride the Islamist tiger without being eaten by it.
The Obama administration has tried to engage--appease and actually align with--Iran in the hope of pacifying Pakistan and Afghanistan. The administration has also encouraged Turkey's tilt toward Iran and emboldened Ankara to turn openly and viciously against Israel.
President Obama's outreach to organized Islam is also encouraging Islamists--the Muslim Brotherhood--to think they can eventually come to power in Egypt, a U.S. Arab ally that signed a peace treaty with Israel in March 1979, about two months after the Islamist takeover of Iran.Saturday, June 05, 2010
What Obama Has Wrought: the Short List
1. The loss of Turkey. It is now firmly in Iran's camp, plotting and planning Israel's destruction and America's expulsion from the Middle East.
2. Nuclear Iran. Obama has allowed the turbaned tyranny to come closer than ever to acquiring atomic arms. Barring a miracle, there is no diplomatic solution; the sanctions push is a bad joke.
3. Ascendant Hamas and Hezbollah. Iran's Islamist proxies are gaining every day in every way.
Monday, 7 June 2010
Read all about it here.
Ironies abound.
What Obamappeasement of the Islamist enemy has wrought:
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Britannia Radio