Saturday, 26 June 2010 08:58 'They have acknowledged that meat, fish, eggs and dairy products on their shelves could contain “indirect” GM ingredients. Every major supermarket in the country said it was unable to provide a guarantee that it was not selling products from animals given GM feed. Even''high-end’’ retailers said only the more expensive organic ranges were certain to have been produced without any GM involvement. The disclosures have reignited the debate about the use of genetic technology in food production following health and environmental concerns. Opponents of the technology claimed that retailers were using a loophole in labelling rules to “trick” the public over the link to GM.' Read more: Supermarkets Selling Meat from Animals Fed GM Crops Saturday, 26 June 2010 08:32 'Downtown Toronto has been transformed into a police state ahead of the G8 and G20 conferences, with police given unprecedented powers to to arrest anyone near the security zone who refuses to identify themselves or agree to a police search. The Toronto Star reports: “The regulation was made under Ontario’s Public Works Protection Act and was not debated in the Legislature. According to a provincial spokesperson, the cabinet action came in response to an ‘extraordinary request’ by Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair, who wanted additional policing powers shortly after learning the G20 was coming to Toronto.” The regulation gives the police authority to question anybody entering the restricted zone from June 14 until June 28, the day after the summits are scheduled to end. As Adam Radwanski of The Globe and Mail reports, there are no limits to police powers during the summit, and no clear legal precedent specifying what they can and can’t do.' Read more: Toronto Transformed Into Locked Down Police State Saturday, 26 June 2010 08:25 'As we reach day 67 of the Gulf oil gusher, the useless cleanup effort run by the very company that caused the disaster has been even more abysmal than their failure to prevent it in the first place. Many beaches as far as Pensacola have been closed due to lethal toxins in the water and in the air. People are experiencing breathing problems and significant skin rashes/lesions. Crops as far north as North Carolina have been damaged due to toxic rain. Crude oil has even been observed falling out of the sky during rainfall inland of the Louisiana coast. Washington Post has recently reported that they are expecting to have to evacuate upwards of 20 million people from coastal areas. The state of affairs in the Gulf region is on the path to all out chaos and Martial Law. The anarchy may reach levels orders of magnitude higher than that of Katrina.' Saturday, 26 June 2010 06:29 'While using his megaphone to inform the people of Toronto about G20 related issues we were surrounded by police who demanded our identification. When Charlie stated that he wishes to remain anonymous he was immediately detained and placed under arrest. The officer stated that Charlie was being detained under the "public works protection act" for failing to identify himself.' Saturday, 26 June 2010 07:38 'President Obama will be handed the power to shut down the Internet for at least four months without Congressional oversight if the Senate votes for the infamous Internet ‘kill switch’ bill, which was approved by a key Senate committee yesterday and now moves to the floor. The Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act, which is being pushed hard by Senator Joe Lieberman, would hand absolute power to the federal government to close down networks, and block incoming Internet traffic from certain countries under a declared national emergency.' Read more: Obama Can Shut Down Internet For Four Months Under New Emergency Powers Saturday, 26 June 2010 07:27 'Concerned that Lona hadn’t taken her medications, Lonnie called 911 in the expectation that an emergency medical technician would be dispatched to the apartment to evaluate the bedridden 86-year-old woman. Instead, that call for help was answered by nearly a dozen armed tax-feeders employed by the El Reno Police Department. Understandably alarmed — and probably more than a little disgusted — by the presence of uninvited armed strangers in her home, Lona ordered them to leave. This directive, issued by a fragile female octogenarian confined to a hospital-style bed and tethered to an oxygen tank, was interpreted as “aggressive” behavior by Officer Thomas Duran, who ordered one of his associates : “Taser her!”As I have been saying for years from personal experience, Canada is one of the most draconian countries in the 'western' world)
Saturday, 26 June 2010
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Britannia Radio