Wednesday, 9 June 2010

The Third European War - Spread this Far and Wide

Date: Tuesday, 8 June, 2010,

Subversion by the Frankfurt School and Common Purpose

The European Union is waging a third war against us

It plans complete control of Britain. Our nation and democracy are being dismantled. It is the same war for which 1.4 million British servicemen have given their lives twice before. But this time it is using a “fifth column:” subversion from within.

The EU regime is illegal

The EU attack has to be subversive because the entire EU regime is illegal in this country: our government and sovereign have no legal authority to abolish our common law, British Constitution, monarchy, or our nation. The EU is marching forward only because our government and legal profession are able to abuse their powers by breaking the law and committing the crime of Treason. To do this without spending a lifetime in jail they secretly repealed part of the Treason Acts, hidden in the Crime and Disorder Act, 1998.

(MP’s did not know they were repealing Treason Acts; that was slipped into clause 36.3 after they read it, to get Tony Blair off a treason charge for the 1997 Amsterdam Treaty.)

The subversive EU attack on the UK comes at three levels:

Overt: The EU Treaties, Constitution, laws, and its120,000 destructive regulations. 

Covert: Subversion of our government, institutions, bureaucracies, press, media and identity.

Penetration of our political leadership to end representative democracy

Disinformation: Government has spent millions annually since 1970 to deceive us about the EU.
Let’s look at these in more detail:

Covert: The subversion of our people, schools, children and families: The Frankfurt School

The techniques are broadly based on the Frankfurt School, the University department bought by the Soviet Union in 1935. The Soviets asked it for the best methods of undermining other nations so it could bring them under its control. The EU has been implementing these techniques in Britain since the early 1960’s.

200+ Frankfurt School techniques

The Frankfurt school recommends political correctness, the teaching of sex and homosexuality to children, the creation of racialism offences, continual change to create confusion, the undermining of schools and teachers’ authority, the promotion of excessive drinking, emptying the churches, the corruption of the courts, the creation of trauma through injustice, dependency on the state or benefits, massive immigration to destroy our identity and create tension, control and dumbing down of media and TV, the attack on fathers and the breakdown of the family, and other methods; the results and violence fill our newspapers every day.

Political Correctness is a form of mind control to control free speech, to undermine public opinion, to weaken the defences of democracy and to “re-educate” schoolchildren; it is a well documented communist subversion procedure.

These techniques have been remarkably successful at undermining local and national government, the Police, NHS, schools and children. It has alienated British people from our nation and its politics; millions are now disinterested and apathetic. On 13th Feb. 2007 UNICEF reported British children now have the worst upbringing of the 21 top nations.

Trauma through injustice

The creation of trauma through injustice usually leads to financial ruin and often to suicide; our utterly corrupt British courts now practice it regularly, as do bodies as diverse as the General Osteopathic Council and Social Services with local councils, who together snatch 4,500 healthy children a year from good parents for forced adoption. They are not interested in abused or maladjusted children.

There are two objectives:

1. Trauma makes people live in fear of government; it controls them and makes them comply.

2. It trains local leaders, like social services and councils, to rule with the brutality a dictatorship like the EU will need to stay in power.

See:; and fi2garvey.PDF

Common Purpose.

Who directs this subversion? All of the six EU treaties have already been signed; and the handover of power to the EU is well underway, with the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister in charge. The ODPM ran the EU’s Common Purpose organization in Britain, which has already used these techniques to train 30,000 leaders for what they chillingly call “the post democratic era.”

Common Purpose assists the spread this subversion and EU style corruption throughout our government bureaucracies. If you see public land being sold, or some EU funded regeneration or redevelopment project suddenly blossoming, you can guarantee large sums of money will be sticking to the fingers of officials who are Common Purpose trained.

Common Purpose is entrenched in the NHS, the BBC, the Church, the legal profession, the Police, Schools and the Education sector, Social Services, City, County Councils, Local Councils, Government Offices of the Regions, Regional Development Agencies, Regional Assemblies, and in the 8,500 government quangos which spend £167 billion annually.

The leadership of Freemasonry

Is the largest 5th column, claiming 400,000 members; at the EU’s bidding, they have corrupted our courts, newspapers and other institutions.

Please invite Brian Gerrish ( to train you on how to expose and stop this subversion,

EU penetration of our Political Leadership

In 1958 Ted Heath, Geoffrey Rippon and Roy Jenkins were recruited by the German DVD for the EU; many others like Ken Clarke, Francis Maude, David Milliband and Peter Mandleson continue their work. A dozen current New Labour Ministers were communist activists. They switched allegiance from the Soviet Union to the European Union, and subversion exploded. Using the party list system pro EU MP’s were selected, resulting in the 138 majority on 21st January 2008 for the Libson Treaty (and the abolition of Westminster.)

The Conservative Party’s members and voters overwhelmingly want to be out of Europe, but the party stopped representing them decades ago. The leadership fell under the iron grip of European control in the 1960’s, when Macmillan first tried to take us into the EU; Ted Heath did. That grip was slightly relaxed under Margaret Thatcher, but she was still forced to sign the Single European Act in 1987, in which Britain consented to be part of a single European dictatorship.

The Conservative Party is the primary instrument of the Marxist EU in Britain.

The EU still has absolute control over the Conservative leadership today. Some make no real effort to disguise their allegiance to the EU, such as Hesletine, Ken Clarke, Maude and David Cameron. The Party is controlled by the EU’s policies and agenda, not that of the voters. This pattern now exists in the Labour Party under the communists exposed above, and in all areas of elected government. The principal of representative democracy has been subverted.

Conservative voters will be horrified when they find out, too late, that David Cameron is a committed Pro-European socialist. He uses the language of Common Purpose, and in his career as a Director of Carlton TV, its techniques.

One example is Cameron’s command to change. If you change you destroy the old; if you have nothing substantial to change to, you’ve simply destroyed, and the technique has succeeded. He may win an election, but it won’t be the Conservative Party that’s in power.

The Lib Dems are overwhelmingly in favour of their EU masters. Nick Clegg, like Mandleson, is an ex EU employee and pawn; his principle residence is in Brussels. Yes, they know we are now living in what is legally a police state, and make speeches strongly opposing it. But they conceal the fact, that after 34 years inside, it is their EU police state we are living in.

UKIP is pro-EU

UKIP was founded in 1993 as a honey trap to neutralize anti–EU activists by the Conservative party, with Nigel Farage in on day one as spoiler in chief. If as a party member you run a serious anti-EU campaign, you are ruthlessly shut down by its internal freemasonry Regional Organisers; and they rig internal elections to keep effective activists out.

Nigel Farage has controlled the party for most of its life. He appointed Roger Knapman as leader in 2002, without an election, coercing the other candidates to stand down. On 12th September 2006 Nigel Farage became UKIP’s leader formally. He makes good, Conservative Party speeches but always pull his punches when attacking the EU, to avoid doing it real damage. He and others also create infighting to destroy the parties effectiveness.

His printed election address, and speeches since he became leader, make it clear his main aim is to get UKIP’s MEP’s re-elected (thus ensuring their £440,000 pa salary/expenses; he gets a lot more.) As for his pretended method for leaving the EU, he says electing a majority of UKIP MEP’s would make our position in the EU untenable.

He knows that’s not true: the sham EU parliament has no power, and we can only leave if Westminster repeals the 1972 European Treaty of Accession (before it is abolished by the EU.)

So even UKIP is a pro EU party, with its top ten leaders, all European MEP’s, paid vast EU salaries which they are very keen to protect, and all the parties’ employees paid by the EU. He who pays the piper calls the tune.

Nick Griffin MEP / The BNP

A number of regional organisers have left because the leader, Nick Griffin, like Nigel Farage, will not genuinely fight the EU.

It has been explained to Griffin why the EU is a dictatorship, with documentation; he’s been shown how to defeat the EU with 8,000 members. He paid lip service and made promises in front of his own people, then did nothing, and makes speeches like: “....the EU isn’t the threat; forget the EU, the threat is “peak oil”, and the BNP should plant vegetables.”

There is no better way to neutralise a political party. Andrew Bronz, BNP MEP, filibusters in speeches and does not attack the EU effectively. On the bright side, it seems it is just these two who are the EU’s placemen, and the rest of the party, 99 percent of them, are 50+ year old ex Labour, Conservative and Lib Dem members disgusted their old parties are doing nothing. Unfortunately, neither will the BNP.


Government documents released under the 30 year secrecy rule prove that from Ted Heath onwards, the government has spent huge sums deceiving us about the EU. See FCO 26/1215; £461,400 spent on disinformation in 1972. FCO 30/1065 snooping on and sabotaging anti-EU MPs and speakers. FCO 26/1213 controlling TV presenters, journalists. FC0 26/1212, and FCO 30/1048, are covered on the eutruth website.

Stop repression and poverty by the EU police state