Thursday, 24th June 2010
A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News pollshows that American voters sure are looking for change – from Obama:
...Sixty-two percent of adults in the survey feel the country is on the wrong track, the highest level since before the 2008 election. Just one-third think the economy will get better over the next year, a 7-point drop from a month ago and the low point of Mr. Obama's tenure.
Amid anxiety over the nation's course, support for Mr. Obama and other incumbents is eroding. For the first time, more people disapprove of Mr. Obama's job performance than approve. And 57% of voters would prefer to elect a new person to Congress than re-elect their local representatives, the highest share in 18 years.
...Some 30% in the poll said they ‘do not really relate’ to Mr. Obama. Only 8%
Wednesday, 23rd June 2010
An inconvenient truth
What on earth possessed Gen Stanley McChrystal to do and say what he did? Leave aside for the moment whether or not what he said was true or justified– whatever led him to give access to himself and his aides at all? And to Rolling Stone magazine? And then to allow the dissemination in print of what was clearly one disloyal and destabilising thing after another? And at this point in the Afghanistan campaign?
What he did was not just an error of judgment. It bust all the military and official rules in the book. He and his aides revealed the dissent within the American side while a terrible war is still under way.
But what he and his aides said was as revealing as it was alarming; the incompetence and worse of the political and defence leaders with...