For those who still don’t get it, let me spell out just why the response by Cameron, Clegg and Hague to the Turkish terrorist flotilla incident is so despicable and so terrifying. At a time when much of the western world has turned itself into a kind of global Nuremberg rally – this time with not Jews as people but as a collective people being singled out for attack while those who are gathering to destroy them are appeased, rewarded and strengthened -- the British government has refused to defend the Israeli target of this appalling reprise of historical infamy and has instead placed itself squarely on the side of this truly diabolical inversion of reality and justice. The convoluted pieties of Cameron Clegg and Hague, professing to support Israel’s need for security while denouncing it for defending its troops from... I wanted to add my voice to those supporting your speaking out against the venom and bias thrown against Israel. I am not Jewish or Arab; I do happen to have a Turkish wife, who is horrified that the secular Turkey of her youth is sliding continuously towards an Islamic state. Neither do I consider myself pro-Israeli. As I understand it’s a quite socialist state, I should be opposed to the place. But I know bias whenThursday, 3rd June 2010
David Chamberlain and the reprise of historical infamy
9:20pmThe voice of British decency and reason is not yet silenced
I gave some examples below of some of the foul bigotry that’s been coming my way as part of the mass derangement over the Turkish terrorist flotilla. But as I said, I have also had an enormous amount of support too for which I am extremely grateful. I have now had permission to reproduce here this message from one such reader:
Thursday, 3 June 2010
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Britannia Radio