ToryDiary: David Davis, Dan Hannan and Michael Forsyth seen as most effective representatives of Conservative Right
Also on ToryDiary: Cameron under attack for 'failing to stand up for Britain' over BP
Howard Flight on Platform: Three Political and Economic Fundamentals for the Government
Glyn Gaskarth on Local government: Canadian lessons on spending cuts
Local government: Labour ministers spent £4,120 on luxury Parisian sofas for Local Government Dept HQ
Also on Local government: Councils get 0.7% funding cut this year
Parliament: David Rutley and Jo Johnson agree that tackling the deficit should be the Government's priority in their maiden speeches
""It's important you know how much all your effort means to the England players," Mr Capello's message said. "We want you to know that you are the real heroes."" - Sky
"The prime minister has told troops in Afghanistan he wants the British public to "revere and support" them for the "incredible work" they do. David Cameron, who spent the night in Camp Bastion, said they could go home with "heads held high" once Afghans could manage their own security. The troops cheered as he confirmed the operational allowance would double." - BBC
"Mr Cameron is providing money to double the number of specialist bomb disposal teams, with extra armoured vehicles to protect them. Defence Secretary Dr Liam Fox must make sure this happens FAST. Under Labour, the Defence Ministry was a shambles. Action this day please, Dr Fox." - The Sun Says
David Cameron flight diverted over fears of Taliban attack - Guardian
Frontline services are being hit by £6.25bn cuts, says Guardian"The true nature of the £6.25bn cuts announced by the government last month became clearer todayas ministers revealed plans to strip millions from the budgets of local authorities, transport schemes and projects to reduce teenage pregnancy and tackle drug use. The Conservatives' original promise of making savings by cutting costly IT projects and consultants while protecting frontline services, appear not to have materialised and the cuts represent a massive salami slice from across the government's budgets." - Guardian
Theresa May announces review of police's stop-and-search procedures "The first job of any government is to keep its people safe. If we are to achieve that, the police need to be able to stop and search suspected terrorists. But there is no excuse for an abuse of these powers. I have discovered that, under the last government, counter-terrorism stop and search powers were used unlawfully in many cases." - The Home Secretary writing in The Guardian
"Fourteen police forces have unlawfully stopped and searched thousands of people on the streets under controversial counter terror powers." - Times
"Ahmadinejad’s refusal to negotiate is a crucial test of Europe’s ability to act forcefully on the world stage" - William Hague in The Times
A department-by-department review of the Coalition's first four weeks - Independent
Non-dom Tory peer, Lord McAlpine, quits Lords - Daily Mail
Frank Field ponders shift of benefits to young children "A radical reform of child benefits, including ending payments to more than seven million families when their children reach the age of 13, is being considered by the Government’s new poverty adviser. Frank Field, appointed by the coalition last week, is also looking at taxing child benefit and allowing parents to receive payments of up to £25,000 in the first three years after a child’s birth." - Times
Labour's former minister Margaret Hodge has been elected to chair the influential House of Commons spending watchdog, the Public Accounts Committee - Telegraph
> Yesterday's Parliament: Full list of Select Committee winners
David Miliband called for Britain’s open-door border policy to stay in place - Express
Ed Miliband wants high pay commission to examine private sector salary differentials - Guardian
Science is the answer to world food problems"The solution today is exactly the same as it was 8,000 years ago: science. "No man can say that he has seen the largest ear of wheat, or the largest oak that could ever grow," wrote Thomas Malthus in 1798. "But he might easily… name a point of magnitude at which they would not arrive." At the time, a farmer had never harvested more than half a ton of wheat from an acre. Yet new advances in biotechnology – probably including those despised GM crops – will enable us to achieve yields our fathers could not have dreamed about. If we embrace modern methods, we will be able to feed more of the world using less of its land and resources. Isn't that a better definition of sustainability?" - Oliver Walston in The Telegraph
WATCH: Sayeeda Warsi's first message to Tory members, as the new party chairman
- Pay of Cameron's top advisers is published
- Liberal Democrats may have to swallow higher tuition fees but only Tory MPs will have to vote for them
Parliament: Select Committee election results: Labour and Liberal MPs line up behind the Conservative establishment in Select Committee elections