‘This scent is the message of the Islamic message worldwide: Islam is coming, and Gaza is the spearhead that sets the nation in motion...The heroes were selected by Allah to carry out their mission: the mission of awakening the nation... These are people who wish to be martyred for the sake of Allah; as much as they want to reach Gaza, the other way is more desirable to them. Martyrdom, in case anyone still doesn’t get it, means in this case killing Jews in the cause of the Islamic jihad. That was the real aim of this flotilla. So when you read the comments of the British Tory Foreign Secretary William Hague who is moved to deplore the loss of life and calls upon Israel to allow unfettered access for aid to Gaza which would allow unfettered access for weapons against Israel – and while Hague makes no such call upon Egypt whose border with Gaza, unlike that of Israel which is letting into Gaza thousands of tons of aid per week, remains totally shut -- remember the words of professor Abd al Fatah Nu’man; and as mobs on the streets in London and elsewhere show their solidarity with his murderous agenda, decide whether he is most likely to win the battle for the free world or Hague is most likely to lose it. Update: Very glad to see that the good folk at Conservative Home have grasped that Hague's earlier statement puts the Conservatives on the wrong side of the battle for civilisation. But since not only does Hague have form on such a 'disproportionate' attitude to Israel but also the Tories are now in coaltion with the Israel-bashing LibDems, who would blame Israel even if jihadis were to sail a flotilla up the Thames and take the entire LibDem leadership hostage, I would not hold my breath for Hague to start upholding truth and justice in the Middle East. truth about the Turkish terror convoy
As mobs across Europe are incited to demonstrate against Israel for protecting itself against Turkish terrorist aggression, here is avideo clip of Gaza-based Yemeni professor Abd al Fatah Nu’man who spells out what that convoy was really all about:
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
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Britannia Radio