Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Crystallex Bets on China
A failed gold company finds a way forward in Venezuela--with China. Click here for the story.
Speaking of bets, central banks are betting on gold, the alternative currency, as reported here.
$1,400 an ounce is the next big milestone. From there, expect a more-or-less steady climb to $2,000 an ounce before the end of the year.Tuesday, June 08, 2010
China Still Backs North Korea
China is doggedly backing North Korea, even though the Stalinist/Kimist state on Friday shot and killed three Chinese citizens.
Click here for the analysis.Dutch Politician Defends Israel
Ahmadinejad Promises Showdown With Israel
Iran to Honor Helen Thomas?
Will Iran's Hitlerian, Holocaust-denying maniac-in-chief Mahmoud Ahmadinejad invite the ignorant, ugly anti-Semite Hellen Thomas to Tehran?
That's the rumor. Ahmadinejad would like to present Thomas, who resigned in disgrace after telling Israeli Jews--on camera--to "get the hell out of Palestine" and "go home to Poland, Germany, America and everywhere else," with a journalism award.
Maybe MSNBC Israel bashers Chris Matthews and Pat Buchanan will be invited to address the event. Buchanan, who is really an old fashioned, right-wing anti-Semite, recently observed: "If (Elena) Kagan is confirmed," ... "Jews, who represent less than 2 percent of the US population, will have 33 percent of the Supreme Court seats."
Back to the Jew-hating hag. She knows or should know that most Israeli Jews were born in Israel and descend from families that lived in the Middle East for centuries. The dispersed Jewish people clung to the dream of returning to their national, religious homeland for 2,000 years; there were constant efforts to return to Zion down through the centuries; and a remnant community never left the land. Religious Zionism was supplanted by political Zionism in the late 19th century as hardy pioneers braved terrorism, banditry, and disease to rebuild and reclaim the country.Click here, for example, to read about the founding of Hadera, and here for the inspiring history and present-day reality of Tel Aviv, which was founded in 1909. In 1948, following the Holocaust, and a bitter struggle for independence against British occupiers and Arab/Islamist terrorists, the United Nations voted to partition Palestine--actually, the land west of the Jordan River, which had been redefined as Palestine following Britain's lopping off of the East Bank and banning Jewish settlement there in 1921 so as to create the future Kingdom of Jordan--into Jewish and Arab states. The Zionist movement, led by David Ben-Gurion, accepted the compromise; the Arabs, egged on by Nazi war criminal advisors eager for a new chance to spill Jewish blood, rejected the partition plan ... and the rest is history.
POSTSCRIPT: Accuracy in Media had this to say about Thomas in February 2009:Thomas’s affinity for Israel’s enemies—as expressed in her “questions”—has been so pronounced that at one time, the late Tony Snow, when he was press secretary, was prompted to thank her for “the Hezbollah point of view"....
Thomas’s pro-Arab “questions”/speeches on the Arab-Israeli wars have been typified by the following to then-spokesman Ari Fleischer in 2002: “Ari, does the president think that the Palestinians have a right to resist 35 years of brutal military occupation and suppression?”New Sanctions Certain to Fail as Iran Advances to Atomic Armageddon, Thanks to US Appeasement
Obamappeasement has failed to placate or stop the Islamonazi regime from acquiring atomic arms.
New U.N. sanctions are certain to fail, as China Confidential has repeatedly warned, and this article makes clear.
The Obama administration, which made engagement (code for appeasement of and attempts to actually align) with Iran the centerpiece of its foreign policy, along with an odious outreach to right-wing political Islam ("the Muslim world"), has given the turbaned tyranny time to achieve its strategic objectives.
Catastrophe looms.Monday, June 07, 2010
Funeral Held for Catholic Bishop Murdered in Turkey; Vatican, Liberal Media Bury Muslim Angle
In fact, the bishop was murdered--stabbed to death--because of his religion.REPORT: BIN LADEN HIDING IN IRAN
More intelligence that Al Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden is hiding in Iran--and that Turkey knows all about it. Click here for the exclusive report.
China Confidential analysts agree. The above-referenced piece confirms what successive U.S. administrations (and some Israeli governments) have failed to appreciate--namely, that right-wing political Islam, or Islamism, is a global movement, bridging ethnic and national lines and theological differences.
The monster that was unleashed in 1979, during the Cold War, in Afghanistan (before the Soviet invasion) and Iran ... with the backing of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan ... has grown into a unique, supranational power, with deadly tentacles reaching deeply, even, into the United States. Unless Islamism is rooted out and destroyed--there is no diplomatic solution to the problem--the global monster will destroy Western civilization.
It is only a matter of time before the Islamists smuggle a nuclear bomb into the U.S. or attack a U.S. coastal city with a nuclear missile, or detonate a warhead high above the U.S. in an EMP attack in order to wipe out practically all communications and electronic systems in the country and plunge it back into the 19th century.
Islamism is the new Nazism. End it--crush Islamism for once and all--before it ends us.
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Like lips and teeth....
The new Hitler is promising a showdown with Israel in the Mediterranean that will start the "final countdown" to the Jewish State's annihilation--in other words, another Final Solution. Click here for the report.
Click here for the bare bones of the story.
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Britannia Radio