Lord Saville: His report is due next week Historically, it has been the nature of public inquiries that they take a very long time. For example, Sir William Macpherson’s investigation into the tragic murder of black teenager Stephen Lawrence took 18 months to get to the bottom of the matter. Likewise, when Lord Butler was charged with investigating the circumstances behind the Iraq invasion, he needed the best part of a year to deal with many complex issues as well as hearing much evidence in private because of the confidential nature of the work of some of the witnesses involved. But the Saville Inquiry into the events of January 30, 1972, when 14 people were killed on ‘Bloody Sunday’, and which is due to report next week, has broken all known records. Lord Saville’s investigation has lasted 12 years and cost nearly a quarter of a billion pounds. No public inquiry in British history has taken anything like as long. The reason for the extraordinary delay lies in the fact that the prime intention of the inquiry was emphatically never to find out the truth of what happened on Bloody Sunday. Instead, there was a profoundly cynical purpose which can only be grasped with a proper understanding of how the inquiry came to be set up in the first place. Scroll back to the very early days of the Tony Blair government and when the Irish peace process was in deep trouble. The IRA was promising to disarm, but only in return for two massive concessions from the British government. The first of these was the early release of IRA prisoners. Blair agreed to this blackmail even though it meant pulling a veil over the terrorists’ murderous past and turning a blind eye to a number of horrific incidents in which the carnage was as great as Bloody Sunday and the guilt of the killers far more obvious. The IRA leaders’ second demand, to which Blair also readily agreed (overriding the feeble protests of his Defence Secretary George Robertson), was an inquiry into Bloody Sunday. Initially, I’m told, Blair asked the advice of his friend and former flatmate Lord Falconer about the name of a ‘suitable’ judge. Falconer, who later was to propose Lord Hutton to lead the inquiry into the death of Iraq weapons inspector David Kelly (Hutton’s sloppily researched findings were both complacent and questionable), put forward the name of Lord Saville. The cynical injustice of establishing an expensive inquiry without any real wish for it to find the truth is simply breathtaking. FOR the past 12 years, IRA murderers have been roaming free and unpuni shed while many British soldiers, who believe that they were serving their country as best they could while dealing with the street unrest in Londonderry that Sunday, have been treated like criminals. None of this is to deny that the deaths on Bloody Sunday were a scandal. They certainly were. Therefore, it is right, even 40 years later, that the perpetrators should be held accountable. But if British soldiers are to be pilloried as a result of next week’s inquiry report — and it seems highly likely that they will be — let’s not forget that there were scores of other cases of mass murder during the Troubles. For example, there were the events of the so-called ‘Bloody Friday’ on July 21, 1972, when the IRA set off 26 bombs in the centre of Belfast, killing nine people and leaving 130 injured. Twelve protesters were also killed by a bomb at La Mon House Hotel on February 17, 1978. Then there was the incident when Loyalists walked into a bookmaker’s shop on the Ormeau Road in Belfast on February 5, 1992, and killed five people. One could go on and on with a list of such atrocities. But in all these cases, the murderers were very rarely punished. Moreover, none of the terrorist ‘godfathers’ who organised these killings was brought to justice. As a result, the victims’ families have been forced to live the rest of their lives knowing that justice will never be done. Most of us reluctantly accept that this was a price worth paying for peace in Ireland. But an exception has been made by the ruling class in the case of the British Army and those Paras involved in the Bloody Sunday killings. The reason for this is purely political — to appease the Republicans. This is realpoliitik of the worst kind, but let’s not forget that on countless occasions as Prime Minister, Tony Blair was happy to make political capital and enjoy the reflected glory from the courage and professionalism of British soldiers in Afghanistan, Kosovo and elsewhere. Yet in Northern Ireland he was ready to sell them down the river. I believe that on the whole the British Army conducted itself with superlative restraint in Northern Ireland. On a daily basis our soldiers were insulted, shot at and bombed. They were despised by progressive opinion and vilified as oppressors. But the truth is that they bravely kept apart two warring factions and almost certainly prevented a civil war. But for the presence of British troops in Northern Ireland, the outcome might well have been another Bosnia or a Kosovo, with more deaths in a full-scale sectarian civil war. Whatever the findings of Lord Saville’s politicallymotivated report next week, the British Army must ignore the fact that it has been betrayed by the political establishment and it should remain very proud of its overall record in Northern Ireland. But that is not how the eurocrats see the problem. They believe this is not a crisis but an opportunity to concentrate more powers in Brussels at the expense of member states. In this context, David Cameron needs to be ultra-careful when he travels to Brussels next week. He is certain to be faced by plans to give the EU bureaucrats more power to dictate the budget plans of member states. Furthermore, these plans are supported by his Lib Dem partners. He must block this latest power grab by Europe. It will be a huge test of his resolve. In recent weeks, a brutal whispering campaign has been under way — and its target is Business Secretary Vince Cable. The main perpetrators appear to be supporters of Chancellor George Osborne, who has never bothered to hide his dislike for the popular Lib Dem Cabinet minister. Some of these outriders seem determined to drive Cable out of the coalition Government. These are very dangerous tactics, for the coalition needs Cable more than Cable needs the coalition. For one thing, he adds strength and depth to the Government. This is because he is not a raw professional politician like Osborne or Clegg (with a lack of knowledge of the real world), but has knocked about in life and held real jobs before becoming MP in his mid-50s. Second, Cable connects much better with ordinary voters than almost any other member of the Cabinet. Third — and contrary to reports spread by Chancellor Osborne’s cronies — Cable has been loyal. Furthermore, he has made genuine sacrifices to do so, publicly eating his words after making a series of harsh public comments before the election about Osborne’s £6billion package of spending cuts. Finally, Cable’s support for a rise in capital gains tax (which will hit the middle-class) is a wise counter-balance to Cameron and Osborne’s plans to cut welfare payments (which will hit the poor). It is time Cameron intervened and ordered George Osborne to get his tanks off Vince Cable’s lawn. Until recently, Whitehall convention held that ministers and civil servants should wait for a reasonable period of time to elapse after leaving office before publishing their memoirs and diaries. However, New Labour has contemptuously broken this rule. Literally within days of the May 6 General Election defeat, Alastair Campbell — media adviser to Tony Blair and Gordon Brown — was in print with a volume of diaries about his former bosses. Peter Mandelson is also due to publish his memoirs before the end of the summer, and Blair early in the autumn. Campbell’s offering confirms the impression we gained at the time that New Labour was never serious about government. Instead of dealing with issues of substance, his jottings concentrate on the endemic rivalries, power battles and jealousies at the heart of the New Labour machine. Rarely has the reputation of any government sunk as fast after leaving office as the New Labour party of Blair and Brown.What a monstrous injustice... an inquiry that takes 12 years
This despicable anti-Vince campaign must stop
Campbell and Mandy's jottings could sink Labour
Sunday, 13 June 2010
Last updated at 5:06 AM on 12th June 2010
For the voters of Europe, the crisis in the eurozone is nothing short of a nightmare because it means lower wages, higher prices and fewer jobs.
Posted by Britannia Radio at 08:40