>> SUNDAY, JUNE 20, 2010
BBC correspondent Dan Collyns has got form. As I reported back in February, he was caught red-handed making nonsense predictions that the seas round the Galapagos Islands were heating up so fast that they were heading for boiling point. This eco-propagandist, who belongs to greenie alarmist group GRNlive, is at it again, this time reporting that a group of Peruvians have become so brainwashed and deluded as a result of propaganda pushed by lunatics like Mr Collins that they are actually painting bits of the Andes white in the hope that it will help reflect heat and stop glaciers melting. No matter that it's nonsense to suggest that Andean galciers are melting because of 'climate change' (many scientists believe that melting is cyclical and exaggerated by other factors); lay aside, too, that it's the most stupid idea since Cnut tried to stop the tide coming in (although, actually that story is a myth; the Andes one isn't). To the the BBC and Mr Collins, it's all good scare-mongering stuff, so it must be news.
None So Blind
>> SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 2010
No matter what evidence is released about the “peace mission” on the Mavi Marmara, the BBC still calls the incident “Israel’s attack”, “Israel’s raid,” or whatever aggressive title they see fit to tag it. They see the incident as Israel’s, as if it belongs exclusively to Israel, though it was clearly instigated by Turkey or Islam.
No matter how many Jihadi videos remain uncensored on YouTube while a humourous Israeli parody gets banned, albeit briefly; no matter how many “go backs to Auschwitz” we’re shown; no matter how many “Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the Gas” we hear chanted, we still condemn Israel for doing what it feels it has to do in retaliation and self defence. Be it misguided and unpalatable or effective and rational, we reflexively condemn Israel with a nonchalant disregard for the imperative necessity to fight for its survival.
People are given air time to assert indignantly that Israel must make more and more concessions, lift the blockade, return to pre 1967 borders, stop building homes for Jews and grant the right of return to Palestinians and all their descendants.
The blockade is described as a collective punishment, which we abhor because of our confused and ambivalent perception of Gazans as innocent victims, while at the same time, oxymoronically, we insist they voted, responsibly, for ‘democratically elected’ Hamas. Some of us then advocate, as a protest against the blockade, the implementation of BDS (boycott, divest and sanction) against Israel, which looks uncannily like collective punishment itself. The victims would be equally ‘innocent voters,’ but applied to Israelis and their democratically elected government, it’s the right thing to do, and the anomaly can languish unchallenged.
Now the Israelis have agreed to let more stuff in, we complain that it’s not enough, the BBC gives air time to various critics of Israel to assert that nothing less than free unfettered access will do. We still think that ‘for peace’ Israel must give the Palestinians what they want, whenever they want, forever and ever till the religion of peace is sated, and goes quiet.
The BBC encourages unparalleled hostility to Israel. It defies reason.