Why Is Dick Cheney Silent on the Oil Spill?: The former vice president is usually a vociferous defender of his time in government. But not on the disaster in the gulf. BP plans to suspend shareholder dividend: British energy giant BP plans to suspend its second-quarter dividend as it faces growing public anger over its handling of massive oil spill in the U.S. Gulf Coast, according to published reports. Japanese PM warns of Greece-level 'collapse' under debt pile: New Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan, seeking to lay the groundwork for a future sales tax rise, warned on Friday that the country risked defaulting on its borrowing if it failed to rein in its massive public debt. Debt Spreading 'Like a Cancer': Black Swan Author: "We had less debt cumulatively (two years ago), and more people employed. Today, we have more risk in the system, and a smaller tax base," Taleb said. Only a fraction of those in need file for bankruptcy: Concern exists about a growing number of Americans who need bankruptcy protection but cannot get any benefit from it or simply cannot afford to file. As their financial problems worsen, that hurts everyone because it can hinder the economic turnaround.. Less spending by Americans could slow "recovery": A sharp drop in retail sales revenue for May shows that shoppers remain cautious, and it could lead economists to curtail their expectations for growth. The Stunning Crash And Burn Of Las Vegas: There are quite a few U.S. cities that are complete and utter economic disaster zones in 2010 (Detroit for example), but there is something about the demise of Las Vegas that is absolutely stunning. Banks Face Short-Sale Fraud as Home ‘Flopping’ Rises : Two Connecticut real estate agents found a way to profit in the U.S. housing bust: Buy low, sell fast. Their tactic was also illegal.
Saturday, 12 June 2010
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Britannia Radio