Sunday, 20 June 2010

Wilders: Jordan is Palestine

June 20, 2010

Wilders is right. There is no ethnic difference between Jordanians and Palestinians. In fact, there was no Palestinian nationality before the 1960s, when it was invented in order to reposition what was then universally known as the Arab/Israeli conflict. Up to the invention of "Palestinians," the Israelis were the tiny, besieged people amidst a huge number of hostile Arabs; after that invention, the "Palestinians" themselves became the tiny, besieged people against the big, bad Israelis.

Don't believe me? Fine. Maybe you'll believe PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein, who said this in 1977:

The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism.

For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.

It was a canny propaganda move, and it worked. Bravo to Wilders for calling the Jordanians (and "Palestinians") back to the truth. "Geert Wilders: Change Jordan's name to Palestine," by Roee Nahmias for Ynet News, June 20:

Geert Wilders, who leads the right-wing Party for Freedom (PVV) in Holland, said last week he believes Jordan should be renamed Palestine. The Jordanian government responded by saying Wilders' speech was reminiscent of the Israeli right wing.

"Jordan is Palestine," said Wilders, who heads the third-largest party in Holland. "Changing its name to Palestine will end the conflict in the Middle East and provide the Palestinians with an alternate homeland."

Wilders added that Israel deserved a special status in the Dutch government because it was fighting for Jerusalem in its name.

"If Jerusalem falls into the hands of the Muslims, Athens and Rome will be next. Thus, Jerusalem is the main front protecting the West. It is not a conflict over territory but rather an ideological battle, between the mentality of the liberated West and the ideology of Islamic barbarism," he said.

"There has been an independent Palestinian state since 1946, and it is the kingdom of Jordan." Wilders also called on the Dutch government to refer to Jordan as Palestine and move its embassy to Jerusalem.

The Saudi Al-Watan carried Jordan's response to Wilders' speech. The kingdom's embassy in Hague was outraged, and said the Dutch ambassador would soon be summoned to explain.

Jordan's minister for media affairs and communications, Nabil Al Sharif, asked for clarifications. He described Wilders' declaration as "an echo of the voice of the Israeli Right" and "crows' screams".

"Jordan is an independent and secure country which supports the Palestinian issue, and these imaginings of finding them an alternate homeland are nothing but the delusions of a few people," he said....

Geert Wilders: "Change Jordan's name to Palestine"

Palestine was always Jewish. The Muslims have no claim to Israel. Just deception and lies to steal what is rightfully the Jewish people's.


This is the newspaper of "Palestine" before 1948 -- it's Jewish. The Jews were fighting for their land long before the UN or Balfour. Rewriting history doesn't change the reality.

88% of Palestine that the Palestinian Muslims crow over -- is in Jordan. So back they should go. There. So course Wilders is historically correct. Yaser Arafat and his Jew-hating armies created this Muslim narrative of deception of "Palestine," and their lies became the accepted, twisted narrative of modern history, thanks to a corrupt and incompetent media.

Arafat spent much of his life fighting against Israel in the name of "Palestinian" antisemitism.

Arafat and his bloody movement operated from several Muslim countries. He waged war wherever he was. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Fatah faced off with Jordan in a civil war, in which he was beaten and thrown out. Forced out of Jordan, he went to Lebanon and destroyed that country as well.

The idea of Palestine is a lie. There is no such thing as a "Palestinian." There were Palestinian Jews and Palestinian Muslims before '48. But no state. No history. No flag of this fakestinian narrative. That land is Jewish land. That history is Jewish history. That flag is the star of King David.

The Muslims narrative is patently anti-Semitic and wrong. Wilders, of course, is right.

Geert Wilders: Change Jordan's name to Palestine YNet

Rightist Dutch leader wants to end Mideast conflict by finding Palestinians 'alternate homeland'

Geert Wilders, who leads the right-wing Party for Freedom (PVV) in Holland, said last week he believes Jordan should be renamed Palestine. The Jordanian government responded by saying Wilders' speech was reminiscent of the Israeli right wing.

"Jordan is Palestine," said Wilders, who heads the third-largest party in Holland. "Changing its name to Palestine will end the conflict in the Middle East and provide the Palestinians with an alternate homeland."

Wilders added that Israel deserved a special status in the Dutch government because it was fighting for Jerusalem in its name.

"If Jerusalem falls into the hands of the Muslims, Athens and Rome will be next. Thus, Jerusalem is the main front protecting the West. It is not a conflict over territory but rather an ideological battle, between the mentality of the liberated West and the ideology of Islamic barbarism," he said.

There has been an independent Palestinian state since 1946, and it is the kingdom of Jordan." Wilders also called on the Dutch government to refer to Jordan as Palestine and move its embassy to Jerusalem.

The Saudi Al-Watan carried Jordan's response to Wilders' speech. The kingdom's embassy in Hague was outraged, and said the Dutch ambassador would soon be summoned to explain. Jordan's minister for media affairs and communications, Nabil Al Sharif, asked for clarifications. He described Wilders' declaration as "an echo of the voice of the Israeli Right" and "crows' screams".

"Jordan is an independent and secure country which supports the Palestinian issue, and these imaginings of finding them an alternate homeland are nothing but the delusions of a few people," he said. The PVV nearly tripled its power in the last election, going from nine parliament seats to 24. The right-wing party, which has called for a ban on minarets and Muslim scarves, has been holding so far unsuccessful negotiations with the liberal Right.


FLASHBACK! Here is some history -- relatively modern but important that you see that Muslim Jew-hatred is as old as Muhammad himself. The Palestinian Muslims relentlessly murdered and tortured the Palestinian Jews. Islamic anti-semitism is in the koran -- go here.

1929 Hebron  massacre

The "Palestinian" Authority has libeled the Jewish people and said that Israel tried to burn down Al-Aqsa Mosque in 1969, in what is eerily reminiscent of many of the blood libels spread by Muslim leaders against the Jews, specifically the ones that the Mufti of Jerusalem spread in the Muslim world before he co-conspired with Hitler to exterminate the Jews during the Holocaust.

4th April, 1920 was the day Haj Amin al-Husseini sprang into prominence as a figure to be reckoned with. On that day, Jerusalem became a city of carnage when Arab Moslem mobs descended on the Jewish quarters, massacring, burning, pillaging. The riots lasted four days. The victims were Jews, and they had no defence organization then.

Haj Amin al Husseini (the Mufti) was charged with incitement to violence. The spark was said to have been touched off by his inflammatory articles in the newspaper, Suriyahal Janubiyah.

[...] At the military trials that followed the two principals found to be responsible for the outbreak were Haj Amin al Husseini (the mufti) and Aref al Aref.

Both fled the country and were tried in absentia. They received ten years imprisonment, which suggests the grave view taken by the authorities of these men. But when Sir Herbert Samuel (a Jew) was appointed British High Commissioner for Palestine, he gave the mufti special amnesty and allowed him to return to Palestine. Jewish history is riddled with these self-loathing, appeasing traitors.

Back to the point.

According to Maurice Pearlman in the book, The Mufti of Jerusalem, the onslaughts were particularly savage

(page 15):

In August 1929 simultaneous attacks by Muslims on Jews in Jerusalem, Hebron, Safed, Jaffa, Haifa, Hulda, and Beer Tuvia. Those were the centers with the highest casualties though other Jewish towns and villages were also attacked.

In the weeks preceding the attack faked pictures had been disseminated among the Arabs showing the Mosque Omar in ruins. The caption beneath declared that it had been destroyed by Jewish infidels who were now seeking to build on its site the Jewish Temple. [1]

August 1929: “Arab crowds enter the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem and initiate a wave of violence….
That al-Husayni explicitly encouraged or incited the violence is not documented…”

Husayni was the one who incited the crowds of worshipers to violence. In 1929, the most influential newspaper in Egypt, La Bourse Egyptienn, declared ; “ the murder of the Palestine Jews is an echo of the Mufti’s inflammatory exhortations in the mosque.” (Van Paassen, Days of Our Years, p.367) The Mufti accused the Jews of endangering mosques, including Al-Aqsa. He issued the call: “Kill the Jews!” and “ We will drink the blood of the Jews” (Dershowitz, The Case for Israel, p.41) and disseminated pictures of the Jewish victims, falsely claiming that they were Arabs murdered by the Jews. Faked photographs were circulated “showing the Jewish flag, with the Star of David at its centre, flying from the top of the Dome of the Rock- something which had never happened.” (Gilbert, Jerusalem in the Twentieth Century p. 120) The Supreme Muslim Council, which Husayni headed, issued a proclamation : “O Arab! Remember that the Jew is your strongest enemy and the enemy of your ancestor since olden times…for it is he …who poisoned Mohammed… It is he who now endeavors to slaughter you as he did yesterday.” (ibid. p126) “The Hebron massacre was the culmination of a series of religiously inspired massacres deliberately incited by the grand mufti…In August 1929 leaflets prepared by the mufti instructed Muslims to attack the Jews. One such leaflet said that the Jews had “violated the honor of Islam” and “raped the women and murdered widows and babies” It was a blood libel demanding a holy war against the Jews.” .” (Dershowitz, op. cit. p. 42-43)

“In the White Paper…the Secretary of State declared that “no one has been more active than the

Mufti of Jerusalem” (Gilbert. p.125)

This is their insanity and bloodlust.

The 'Ibrahimi Mosque' -- otherwise known as "Ma'arat HaMachpela," the Tomb of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs, is the second holiest site to Jews in the world. The site was off-limits to Jews and Christians for 700 years -- from 1267-1967. This despite its sanctity to Jews, and despite the fact that the building above the caves was built by Herod some 2,000 years ago, six hundred years prior to Muhammad's birth. Since Israel's return to Hebron in 1967 the site has been accessible to all people of all faiths. However, Moslems refuse to accept freedom of worship, claim that it's a mosque and declare that should they ever again control the site, it will be off-limits to anyone not Moslem. (Neither the site, nor the city of Hebron is mentioned anywhere in the Koran.)