Sunday, 13 June 2010

Wither Government. Chaos! Anarchy! Lost Revenue!
New York Gov. David Paterson is warning that if he is forced to shut down government next week chaos and anarchy will rule in the state.

Obama Pushes $50B More In “Emergency” Funds
President Obama urged reluctant lawmakers Saturday to quickly approve nearly $50 billion in emergency aid to state and local governments, saying the money is needed to avoid “massive layoffs of teachers, police and firefighters” and to support the still-fragile economic recovery.

Third Climategate report ‘imminent’ – expect a shortage of whitewash in stores this weekend
If you were planning to do a spot of DIY over the weekend you may encounter a problem – an acute shortage of whitewash in your local store, as it may have been appropriated for more urgent purposes.

Limitations of human brain mean we may never understand the secrets of universe, says Britain’s top scientist
The limitations of the human brain mean some of the biggest mysteries of the universe may never be solved, a top scientist has claimed.

Bernanke Says Fed Does Not Engage In Stock Market Or “Individual Stock” Manipulation; Some Loose Ends On FX Swaps
In a response letter sent to Alan Grayson, the Fed chairman has the following brief retort to the question of whether “the Federal Reserve- alone or in concert with the Treasury Department or any part of the government- ever taken any action with the purpose or effect of supporting the stock market or an individual stock”.

North Korea Threatens `All-Out Military Strike’ on South’s Loudspeakers
North Korea warned of an “all-out military strike” to destroy South Korean loudspeakers and other propaganda tools along their fortified border, according to the North’s state-run Korean Central News Agency.