The Obama answers you fear most
Book pulls back curtain on president's past, present
Posted: June 07, 2010
© 2010 WorldNetDaily
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It's the book with answers you probably don't want to questions you hoped would never come up, but they have, and"The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists"by Aaron Klein and Brenda Elliott is tops among best-sellers at the WND SuperStore this week.
Those questions that have been raised about President Obama's heritage, his priorities, his friends and his goals – all are important issues to Americans while he holds the reins of government and decides their futures.
Now come the authors to reveal answers to the questions that arise, as Klein put it, when you know "there is something very wrong with the president – but … don't know exactly what."
He talked recently about the importance of the book with talk show host Sean Hannity:
The book documents – with nearly 900 citations and endnotes – a long list of issues, such as:
- Obama's deep ties to an anti-American fringe nexus instrumental in building his political career, some members of which are helping draft White House policy
- Obama's extensive connections to ACORN and its union affiliate, including much new information not previously documented elsewhere
- Extremists exposed in the White House, including top czars and communist-linked Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod
- Obama's healthcare policy pushed and crafted by extremists
- Obama’s deep association with the Nation of Islam
- Obama's ties to terrorist Bill Ayers much more extensive than ever previously disclosed
The book also provides new details of Obama's links to Jeremiah Wright, Cass Sunstein and Valerie Jarrett.
Wright is the Chicago pastor who proclaimed "God d---America," Sunstein's radical views are well-documented and Jarrett is the adviser Obama treats like a sibling.
Klein is an American journalist, author and radio host. He serves as senior investigative reporter and Jerusalem bureau chief for WorldNetDaily.com and is a columnist for the Jewish Press.
Known for his regular appearances on top U.S. radio talk shows and television news broadcasts, especially Fox News, Klein is also the author of "Schmoozing with Terrorists" and "The Late Great State of Israel." Klein currently hosts his own program on WABC, the nation's largest talk radio station.
Elliott is a historian and author known for her dogged blogging during the 2008 presidential election about Tony Rezko, Ayers and other criminals in Obama's clique of cronies.
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In second place this week is "The Constitution of the United States."
The latest surge in demand for the law of the land as established by the founders comes just as the Chicago-style politics in the White House are coming to light.
In a recent controversy, Rep. Joe Sestak, D-Pa., and former Colorado House Speaker Andrew Romanoff, another Democrat, say they were approached by officials purporting to represent the White House with job offers if they would halt challenges to White House Senate favorites.
Members of Congress have condemned the White House for "witness tampering" and "evasion" in trying to explain away the offers.
The Constitution, printed by the National Center for Constitutional Studies and proofed word-for-word against the original in the Archives in Washington, D.C., provides the outline of what a federal government should do and places limits on what it cannot.
It is identical in spelling, capitalization and punctuation to the original. The 48-page pocket Constitution also includes the Bill of Rights, Amendments 11-27, the Declaration of Independence and a complete index of the Constitution.
"Make no mistake about it – there's power in the words of the Constitution," said Joseph Farah, founder and CEO of WorldNetDaily.com. "It's one of the most magnificent political documents ever conceived by mortal men. In fact, I don't think its beauty, elegance and enduring spirit would have been possible without a little divine inspiration."
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In third place is "Burning Down The Shack: How the 'Christian' Best-seller is Deceiving Millions - (Autographed) (Paperback) by James B. De Young.
He writes how millions have bought into the theology of Paul Young, whose book, "The Shack," portrays God as a loving, black woman.
But, De Young asks, is Young's worldview important? Is his theology that big a deal?
He believes so. In fact, it's so important that he's written a challenge to "The Shack."
In "Burning Down the Shack," De Young sheds important light on the implications of Young's pluralistic faith and provides readers with a counter-balance to the popular little volume that's spent nearly two years on the best-seller lists.
Exploring the nature and character of God from Scripture, De Young concludes that it is necessary to proceed carefully with "The Shack," because it skews and even jettisons important doctrines. Without being confrontational, De Young makes the case that dangers can lurk under the foundation.
Here are the top sellers in WND's online Superstore for May 30-June 6:
- "The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists" - (Autographed) (Hardcover)
By Aaron Klein, Brenda Elliott - "The Constitution of the United States (Pamphlet)
- "Burning Down The Shack: How the 'Christian' Bestseller is Deceiving Millions" - (Autographed) (Paperback)">
By James B. De Young - "Killing Wealth Freeing Wealth: How to Save America s Economy and Your Own" - (Autographed) (Hardcover)
By Floyd Brown and Lee Troxler - "The True Story of the Bilderberg Group" - (Paperback)
By Daniel Estulin - "The Islamic Antichrist: The Shocking Truth about the Real Nature of the Beast" - (Autographed) (Hardcover)
By Joel Richardson - "iLumina Bible Software" - (5 CD Roms/1 DVD Rom)
- "The Annals of the World (hardcover)
By James Ussher - "Where's The Birth Certificate" Magnetic/Easy-Off Adhesive Bumper Sticker
- "Climategate: A Veteran Meteorologist Exposes The Global Warming Scam - (Autographed) (Hardcover)
By Brian Sussman
The list does not include WND's two sister publications – Whistleblower magazine andJoseph Farah's G2 Bulletin – always among the best-selling products in Shop.WND.com.If you're not subscribing to these two great companions to WND, you're missing out on the best monthly magazine and the best weekly, online intelligence newsletter in the world.
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