Sunday, 4 July 2010

Spain may need financial rescue, says Merrill

Spain's debt crisis may force the country to tap the EU-IMF rescue fund over the next two to three months and set off a political storm, according a confidential report by the Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

Unlike its upmarket food, Ocado's float will need to be priced to go

It has been hard to hear a bearish view of Ocado, the online grocer, outside the pages of one or two newspapers, including this one.

Prince of Wales launches new fund to save the countryside

The Prince of Wales is to launch a new fund to safeguard the future of Britain's hard-pressed rural communities.

Servicing our debt is tough now, but it's only going to get tougher

After years, decades even, of fiscal escapism, the Western world is now starting to face reality. The party is over, the clean-up is beginning and – my poor head! – what a debt hangover!

Still riding the risk-on, risk-off see-saw

A measure of the current volatility in financial markets is the speed with which a trading floor catchphrase has caught on in the media – "risk on" describes those days when the glass seems half full and investors are looking on the bright side, while "risk off" is used on glass-half-empty days when the outlook seems gloomiest.

Why Britain's railways are a secret weapon in shunting the deficit into history

Oscar Wilde knew how to prepare for a railway journey. "I never travel without my diary," the Irish wit once remarked. "One should always have something sensational to read in the train."

Beware, some euros could soon be worth more than others

f you share widespread fears that the euro cannot last in its present form, you might want to avoid notes with the prefixes F, G, M, S, T or Y.